Chapter 10🍂

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"Shawn why are you sending pictures?" I asked.
Shawn turned around and he looked angry.
"Why are you on my phone?!!" He yelled.
"I, I don't know" I said quietly.
"But Shawn sending pictures is never a good thing!" I said.
"It's none of your business!" He yelled back.
"Shawn! No one should ever force you to send a photo!!" I yelled.
"She didn't force me! And besides it's none of your business!" Shawn yelled.
"I can't believe it, you've already changed and you've only been dating for a few days!" I yelled.
"And what you think you know me?" He yelled.
"So what Tessa does and I don't?" I asked. Shawn didn't reply.
"You know what Shawn, fuck You" I said feeling hurt. Shawn didn't say anything so I just left.
I left his house and I walked home I saw a bunch of girls that I saw from the party.
"Hey! You're Ellie right?" They asked. I nodded.
"I'm Alexandra and this is Mads and Louise" she said.
"Hey" I replied. "Are you okay?" Maddison asked. I shook my head as I felt my eyes water.
They all looked at each other and hugged me and we all sat down on the grass and started to talk.
"Ohh you're Shawn's friend! Yeah Tessa really likes him, but who can blame her? He's so fit" Maddison said.
"Yeah I guess but he's just my friend" I said. Was he my friend?.
I then explained the whole argument to them.
"You know what you need, a night out with us! Get drunk and totally forgot everything" Louise said.
"I'd love that!" I said. I really would, fuck what everyone else thinks, and even if I get a bad reputation... I've got to have some fun.

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