Chapter 14🍂

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I ran to her house and I rang the doorbell. Ellie answered the door and she looked really drunk.
"Shawn?" She said.
"Ellie! What's wrong with you?" I asked.
"Nothingg" She said as I walked in and shut the door.
I heard other voices upstairs so I walked up there and I saw three girls and bottles of alcohol.
"Can you all leave?" I said.
"I'd love too" one of them said standing up. And the rest followed.
"Tell your friend Ellie that she's a bitch" one of the other girls said before she left the room.
I was confused how can someone call Ellie a bitch? Ellie then walked in and stood there staring at me.
"What?" She asked. I looked at her and she was full of anger.
"Ellie what happened? What's going on with you?" I asked.
"Nothing Shawn! Plus why would you care?" She asked.
"Why are you drinking a lot?" I asked.
"Shawn I've only drank twice" she said.
"Yeah but it's a lot in two days.. please be honest with me" I said standing closer to her. She looked up at me and she just started crying.
"Ellie! What's wrong and please tell me" I said as she clasped into my arms.
She didn't answer she just kept crying and crying and I didn't say anything. After a while of crying she eventually calmed down.
"What happened?" I asked as we cuddled up on the bed.
"Well... the, the um guy I like he's with someone else and I know that he will never like me and I guess i turned to being drunk because, you forget everything" she said.
"What guy wouldn't like you?" I asked.
"But he's dating this girl, who's.... well she isn't that nice and I know I can treat him better" she said looking at her hands.
"Who is this guy?" I asked.
"He goes to the photography class that I go too, he's called...."
"He's called?" I asked.
"Theo" She said with a smile.
"Well I'm sure that if Theo's girlfriend is as shit as she sounds, they'll break up and then well you can work your charm" I said as I hugged her.
"What happened to Jake?" I dared asked.
"Jake? I'm not sure" she said quietly.
I still don't believe she told me everything.

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