Chapter 17🍂

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"And I don't know if you've realised, but I've known her nearly all my life and you don't know her like I know her" I replied.
All day at school I didn't see Ellie it was only on my way home that I did.
"Hey Shawn!" She said.
"Hey" I replied.
"So I was wondering, would you like to go cinema with me? There's this sick new horror and i want to go with someone so that when I jump and my popcorn goes everywhere I can still eat someone else's" She aid with a smile.
"I'd like that" I said as we linked arms and walked to the cinema.
We got our tickets and then sat in the cinema and the film started.
I looked over at Ellie and she looked scared shitless.
"That was such a cool movie!" She said as we walked out.
"C'mon" She said tugging my arm.
"Where are we going?" I asked.
"Follow me" She said as we went through this door.
We kept running up these stairs until we were on the roof. The sun was setting and we sat on the edge with our feet dangling off the edge.
"What a week" she said.
"Tell me about it" i replied.
"It's like I know I've made mistakes but they won't let them go" she said.
"Look I don't care what they say about you, I'll always be here" I said placing my arm her. 
"Why didn't you say this to me when I was alive?" She said.
I turned and looked at her.
"What?" She said.
"You just-."
"I just What?" She asked.
I must of been imagining it.
"Doesn't matter" I replied.
Me and Ellie sat in silence for a moment.
"Oh didn't I tell you?! Me and Jake got back together!" She said happily.
"Oh, well that's great!" I said. A slight part of my was let down, I thought she was over him. I thought she liked me.

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