Chapter 41🍂

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She turned around and looked at me. "You do?" She said. "All my heart" I said. A smile crept over her face. "I love you too Shawn" she said. We smiled at each other and i put my arm round her and held her close.
My head rested on his chest and I listened to his heartbeat. I felt so safe in his arms, like I belonged here.
The next day we all woke up and Geoff and Lotta woke up a little later but I'm glad that they're a couple now.
"Oh hey!" A girl said. Me and Shawn turned around. "Could you help me?" She asked with a smile. Shawn looked at me then at the girl. "Um Yeah sure" Shawn said and he reluctantly walked over to her. "Thanks" She said as she tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. A spot of jealousy was coming up inside me. I watched as they walked away and it looked like she had her hands all over him. Bitch. I awkwardly stood there kicking a stone around on the floor. I looked up and I couldn't see Shawn and the girl anymore. "Where are they?" I mumbled as I looked around. Shawn then walked out the woods and came over.
"What was that about?" I asked.
"She wanted me to get something as she saw I was tall" Shawn said. "And handsome" I said. "Yeah Well is yours" he said.
"And I will always be yours" Shawn said smiling and putting his arm round me and we walked away.

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