Chapter 22🍂

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I couldn't take it anymore so I decided to go to Tessa's.
"Hey Shawn" she said.
I smiled and we went up to her room. We were lying in her room not talking. I shouldn't be here. She started to her closer to me and she rested her head on my shoulder. This should be the last time I come over, this will be the last time I'm come over.
"We need to talk" I said standing up.
"What? Why?" She asked.
"I feel like this isn't working and I'm loosing my patience with you" I said.
"What do you mean?" She asked.
"One day you say you love me, then the next day you say you don't!" I yelled.
"What?! That's a complete lie" she said.
"Is it?" I asked. Tessa just looked at me.
"Like you call me late at night, like 3am! And when ever you manipulate me to have sex with you I always wake up and you're never there! You're probably banging some other boy!" I yelled.
"What do you want Shawn?!" She yelled.
"You out my life, you've already fucked mine up" I said.
"Me? No that's your fault" she snapped.
"Who's the one who got Ellie hooked on drugs?! Your friends" I snapped.
"Exactly not me! Shawn you can't break up with me! I love you!" She pleaded.
"No you don't! You use me all the time, some times you act like the sweetest girl then you're a total bitch and I'm not happy with you" I said.
"So you're breaking up with me?"

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