Chapter 31🍂

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"So what was that song you was playing?" Ellie asked.
"I don't know I just had that small idea of a song and that's just half a verse, I suppose" I said. "Well it's cute, and who's the lucky girl this is about?" She asked. "No one really, I just like to make up a random situation in my head and write a song about it" I replied. "And what's the situation??" She asked smiling.
"Well it's about a girl who is with another guy and well I like her and-."
All of a sudden Ellie was super close to my face.
"And um she doesn't like me back" I said looking into my eyes and she was looking in mine, she was so close to my face I could see the faint freckles on her face.
I smiled and I stepped away.
"I should go home, my parents are gonna flip" I said.
"Yeah I should get some rest" she said as she started to walk away.
Fuck Shawn why did I step away?
Holy shit I nearly kissed Shawn, I don't know what came over me, he even stepped away from me. How embarrassing. 
I walked home and went straight to my room and thought about everything. "Darling" my mum said as she walked in.
"Yeah mum" I replied.
"Me and your father are going on a last minute business trip, so your brother is going to look after you" She said. "Isn't he a bit young? Like I can look after myself" I said. "He's 20 and you're only seventeen" she said.  My parents left the next day and it was just me and my brother. "Look I'm going out  so don't expect me home until tomorrow" he said. "Good" I snapped back as he left. I walked into my room but I just remembered, who's going to wash my hair, I need two hands and I only have one that's able to do stuff.
ELLIE: hey Shawn... can u help me with something?.

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