Chapter 6🍂

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I arrived at where she wanted us to meet.
Tessa wasn't dressed how she was before, she wasn't wearing a hoodie like yesterday or wearing her tracksuits. She was more open about what she was wearing and was wearing clothes that... emphasised on certain body parts, I was shocked.
"Hey Shawn!" She said standing up and hugging me tightly.
"Hey" I replied as we sat down.
"So Where's the other girl?" She asked.
"What Ellie?" I asked.
"That's such a sweat name!" She said.
I smiled at her.
"Have you kissed her? Is she your ex?" She asked eagerly.
"No, we're just friends" I said smiling.
"Just friends? She's cute, you sure you've never liked her?" She asked.
"Um I guess when I was younger" I replied, this feels like an interview.
"Sorry, I'm asking too many questions, oh and I'm sorry I looked shit yesterday" she said.
"No no it's fine" I replied.
"And you didn't look shit yesterday" I added.
"Really? I had such a huge hangover" she said.
"We're 17" I said.
"So?" She said.
I didn't really know what to say back to that.
"Anyway, So I have this party tomorrow night Wanna come? You can meet some of my friends" she asked.
"Sure" i replied.
For the rest of the day me and Tessa hang out round the city.
"I had a good day today" she said really close to my face.
"Yeah me too" I replied. And before I knew it she was kissing me. And I mean kissing me like a proper make out, it felt weird because we were in public.
I was lying on Shawn's bed when he walked in.
"Hey love bird how was the date?" I asked.
"Um yeah it' was okay" Shawn said.
"You're blushing" I said excitedly and sat up.
"Am I?" He asked.
"Yeah! You kissed her?" I asked.
"Yeah, well she kissed me" he replied.
"You Alright?" I asked. Shawn looked at me and then sat down with me.
"She seemed different today" Shawn said.
"So?" I said.
"So she isn't what I expected" Shawn said.
"Don't worry about it, I'm sure she's amazing" I said. Shawn looked up at me and hugged me.
"Now bitch get out my house" Shawn said smiling.
"What ever you say" I said getting up and leaving.
"OH WAIT" Shawn said. I walked back into his room.
"Wanna come to this party tomorrow?"

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