Chapter 8🍂

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All day I've been contemplating if I should go to this party or not but in the end I decided that I should. Tessa is my girlfriend... I kind of have too.
It was getting closer to the time of the party and I told Ellie to come to my house first.
I was in my room when I heard the door bell.
I went down stairs and opened the door and I saw Ellie. She looked beautiful. She had a skin tight dress on with a jean jacket and boots, she was wearing some bracelets mostly ones she got from concerts and had always worn and her hair was in a loose plait. She wasn't even trying and she looked amazing.
"WHAT UP G" She said really loudly.
"HEY!" I said as loudly back as we left my house and made our way to Tessa's.
I was contemplating if I should tell Ellie what Tessa had sent me but I decided that that's private information.
We arrived and she lived in a mansion. Like an actual mansion and there was already like 1000 people here. Me and Ellie walked in and Tessa came over to us.
"HEY!" She said, it sounded like she was already super drunk.
"Shawn! You didn't send me a picture back" she said putting her arms round me.
"C'mon have a drink" she said handing me a drink. And that was the first of many and soon I was dead drunk. I haven't even seen Ellie.
"C'mon Shawn lets go upstairs" Tessa whispered in my ear. I looked at her and I followed her up stairs. We walked past many other people kissing and having sex.
The next day I woke up and looked around me and saw that I wasn't in my room and no one was in the bed with me. I had a head ache and I felt like shit. I went to get up but I saw I didn't have any clothes on and then I remembered what happened with me and Tessa last night....
I looked around and saw my clothes on the floor and i went over and put them on and went downstairs. There was people all over the floor Asleep and looking like crap. I only wanted to find Ellie. I kept looking and I saw Tessa leave another room in nothing but a top. A crop top. "Oh hey Tessa" I said looking away.
"Shawn! You don't have to look away" she said with a small giggle. "Um yeah, well have you seen Ellie?" I asked. "Um I don't think so, check the other rooms" she said.
I nodded as I kept looking and finally I found her.

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