Chapter 4🍂

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Me and Shawn walked back to his as it got darker outside.
"Oh hello Ellie, how are you?" Shawn's mum asked as me and Shawn walked in.
"I'm good thanks" I replied as me and Shawn took our shoes off.
Me and Shawn went up to his room and we fell onto his bed.
"What should we do?" I asked. 
"Hard core sex" Shawn replied. "Yeah of course" I replied sarcastically as I sat up.
"I think we should watch high school musical" Shawn suggested.
"And I totally agree" I replied.
Shawn then put the movie on and got his phone out.
SHAWN: hey it's Shawn from earlier x.
TESSA💕: hey Shawn! Finally you replied!
SHAWN: yeah sorry about that, I was busy.
TESSA💕: busy? Or were you playing the dating games?
SHAWN: fine you got me.. I was playing the games.
TESSA💕: knew it! So you put hearts next to my name?.
SHAWN: What? How did u know that?
TESSA💕: well I knew that you already had hearts next to my name or you were going to put hearts next to my name.
SHAWN: wow, you're definitely different.
TESSA💕: thanks, so u wanna date?.
Wow she was straight in.
SHAWN: id like that.
TESSA💕: me too. Wanna meet tmr? I'm free all day😉.
SHAWN: id like that too.
There's just something about her that makes me want her, she's got a sexy and dangerous vibe to her. I like it.
I hope you're all liking it so far;)

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