Chapter 16🍂

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I arrived home and my mum looked really angry.
"Shawn, sit down" she said sternly.
"Mum?" I said.
"Sit down" she repeated.
I did what she said and I sat down at the table.
"So whole you were gone, I decided that I should look through your social media on Aaliyah's phone-."
"What? How did you even get into my account?!" I asked.
"Shawn you had a shit password" my mum snapped. I knew she was angry because she only swears when she's angry.
"Tessa? Tell me about her" my mum said.
"Tessa? Well we aren't a thing anymore" I said.
"Well you must of been two days ago because sending nude pictures seems like you're very close" my mum snapped.
"What's a matter with you Shawn? I thought you knew better than this" my mum said. I felt really bad, especially because my mums upset.
"Are you angry at me?" I asked.
"No, I'm just disappointed" she said.
"Ewww the disappointment card" Ellie said to me the next day.
"I know right, I feel really bad now" I said as we walked the school halls.
We were walking when some boys wolf whistled at Ellie.
"Just ignore them" I said to her. 
We got to her locker and the words slut were written all over her locker.
Me and Ellie stood there looking at her locker in shock.
"Wow, this is hilarious" Ellie said loudly, enough that the school hall went quiet and everyone looked at us.
"Well done, writing slut on my locker is so cool of you, I bet you're so proud of yourself now" she said before she stormed out.
Everyone slowly looked away and started to talk again.
"Shawn!" A girl voice said. I turned around and saw my friend Holly.
"Hey Hol" I said.
"You know, you should stop being friends with Ellie" she said.
"Why?" I asked. Did she really just say that?.
"Because incase you haven't noticed there's been a lot of talk recently about her and she's got a bit of a bad reputation now" Holly said.

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