Chapter 9🍂

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She was still fully clothed and she was asleep on the couch. "Ellie?" I said as I nugged her. Her eyes slowly opened. "Hey" I said. Her eyes fully opened and she got up. "Shawn! Where were you?! I lost you last night! And oh you look awful" she said.
"Thanks" I replied.
I don't think she drank any thing last night, she looks completely fine but I felt like I was going to be sick.
"C'mon Shawn lets go" she said as she held my hand and we walked out.
Shawn was starting to walk more sloppy so I put my arm round him and he put a lot of his weight on me and Shawn was not a light guy. We eventually got back to his and I rang the doorbell.
C'mon please answer, but I was hoping Shawn's parents wouldn't answer. Luckily Aaliyah answered.
"What happened to Shawn? And to you? You both look shit" Aaliyah said.
"Thanks for pointing out the obvious" I said.
"Shut up Aaliyah" Shawn also added.
Me and Shawn walked in and Aaliyah shut the door behind us.
"So what happened?" She asked.
"I'm gonna be sick" Shawn said as he ran to the bathroom.
"A party" I said.
"Who's?!" Aaliyah asked.
"Shawn's girlfriend, Tessa" I said, did I sound bitchy?.
"Tessa? Wow well mum and dad were worried sick because you both weren't answering your phones" Aaliyah said. "Well You should tell your parents that me and Shawn are 17" I said as I sat down on their couch.
"And that's not 18" Aaliyah said.
I looked over at her as she sat down and we smiled.
"So How come you ain't drunk or hungover?" Aaliyah asked.
"Because I didn't drink last night" I said simply.
"Why? It's a party!" Aaliyah said.
I wanted to tell but I couldn't, and then all the memories of last night flashed back into my mind.
"I didn't want too" I said.
At that moment Shawn then walked back into the room with a bit of sick on his cheek.
I got up and went and got a tissue then I came back and wiped it off.
"Ewwww, even I wouldn't do that" Aaliyah said walking past.
"That Aaliyah is called helping your friend, now Shawn you need to shower because you stink" I said.
"Seriously? But-."
"Just do it" I said. Shawn looked at me hoping I was joking but then he turned around and went upstairs to shower. "Hungry?" Aaliyah asked.
"You bet I am" I said as I walked over to her.
Shawn eventually got out the shower and got dressed while I awkwardly sat on his bed and covered my eyes. "I'm just gonna get something to eat I'll be back" Shawn said as he left. I smiled and then Shawn's phone went off.
"Tess" it read and I then pressed my thumb on his phone and it let me in, Ive always had access to his phone.
I then saw about five nudes sent to one and other. I dropped the phone as Shawn came in.
Did he seriously do that?

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