Chapter 27🍂

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I woke up the following morning and I reached over and grabbed my phone like usual.
ELLIE: me u outside the pets shop at 11.
SHAWN: I have homework.
ELLIE: shit on it. Besides I'm giving u no option.
SHAWN: fine cu.
ELLIE: yayayayayay.
I smiled as I got up and got ready, it was already 10:50.
Once I was ready I left and made my way to the pet shop.
"Shawn!" She said hugging me and I hugged her back.
"Why did you sound so grumpy over text?" She asked.
"Did I? I just have a lot on my mind" I replied.
"Wanna talk about it? Besides I owe you one" she said.
No I don't want to talk about it.
"It's fine, besides you're back again, and we need to catch up!" I said as I put my arm round her. She looked up at me and smiled and I looked at her but my eyes wondered to her arm. There was a purple bruise on her arm and it looked recent.
"Ellie what happened?" I asked.
"What that? Nothing I fell and I landed on it funny" she replied.
"When was that?" I asked.
"Yesterday" She said.
"Weren't you with Jak-."
"Anyway What Shall we do today?" She asked looking into the pet shop.
"I dunno-." But Ellie wondered into the pet shop and I followed her inside.

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