Chapter 21🍂

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Ellie didn't say anything.
"I"m not your friend anymore, I don't want to know you anymore" Ellie said with a soft voice.
"Gladly" I snapped as I left. I ran out her house and went outside. I took a deep breath of air before I got my phone out and called Ellies parents.
"Um hey, it's Shawn you're gonna need to come back because Ellie isn't doing too good" I diss trying not to cry.
After I called her parents I walked home.
I was walking home looking at everything around me when I felt a pair of hands on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Tessa.
"Shawn! What happened to you? Your face" she said.
"Yeah I just got into some shit" I replied and then I explained everything to her.
"I'm sorry Shawn, well she had it coming" she said.
"But she didn't deserve it" Tessa added.
A few days pass and Ellie is put into rehab and I decided if i should go visit her or not. I decided that I shouldn't, I don't think she likes me that much.
~skip a week ahead~
Tessa. What a bitch She is. Why did I date her? She's ruined my life. I hate her.

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