Day One

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Day 1

January 3

I can't believe it this is really happening. I've finally got what I desired the most! I turned myself human! My gosh! Oh, I um. I'm probably getting ahead of myself here. The nurse gave me this journal a little while ago. He also said that I should probably write my name and all that so if it gets lost I can get it back. Or something like that. Now, my name is Olwen. I'm possibly around the human age of nineteen years old, my kind don't celebrate birthdays. And I used to be a merman. How I became human is a bit...well it's a tiny bit complicated on how it had happened. Or why I did it as well.

You see a few years ago, I was swimming near the beach where humans frequent. Obviously I wasn't seen by them. I've always been careful to not be seen by humans. But, for reasons I'm unsure of, a human jumped into the water and he nearly drowned. Of course I pulled him out of the water and took him to shore. Right in a spot his other friends couldn't see.

My friends were so pissed when I did this but I just couldn't let him drown. He didn't deserve to die like that ya know? Sure it was a horrible idea to save him. The other humans could of seen me doing this. Or he could have screamed in fear. But for some reason, I really just didn't want him to die.

And lord was he so stinking beautiful. Hair as dark as the night sky,lips so soft that I could hardly believe they were real and his skin was unlike my own. Dark and very smooth. You see merfolks have fishscales everywhere, no hair or lips to speak of. We generally aren't considered a pretty sight by humans. That's kind of why I left when he started to wake up. I didn't want to frighten him when he woke up and saw me there. But I wanted to know him more and..I wanted to escape the sea. Not just because I wanted to be close to the human you know? But to be able to learn more about the rest of humanity and experience things that I never would have if I had stayed there.

So we went to see someone who knew about that kind of thing. We'll call him the 'Seawitch'. Even though he's not really one. He's just someone with a lot of time on their hands. Either way we swam to his home. And the whole time we were going there, my friends were trying to talk me out of it. Telling me how bad humans are and how he'd hurt me but I didn't care. I just wanted to be human so badly. My best friend, Fiyora came in with me, mostly out of her own fear. And held my hand as we swam into the doorway.

The Seawitch was a pretty big guy. Looked like he was 23 or so years old in human years. For whatever reason was half octopus as well as naked. He was wearing odd bits of nets, some fisherman's hooks on his face and had the oddest tuff of white hair. It was wild but in a cute way. Hell he was really cute but the stuff he wore and his orange eyes made him terrifying to look at. Smiling, he asked,"So. Are you two going to just stare at me in my doorway? Or are you going to actually purchase something?"

I was a little embarrassed that I hadn't said anything so I told him what I wanted and why. Then I asked how much I would have to pay for something like that. The Seawitch said,"Well. To get all that you want, you'll need to give me your voice."

"Wait, what? How do you expect him to speak to his beloved then?",my friend asked. Her fear of him had left when he had said this. I patted Fiyora's arm and he said,"Hey you gotta give something to get something. And if this guy is as perfect as he says then he won't mind that you're mute. Will he?"

"No. Now what do you need me to do?",I asked. It didn't matter to me how much it would hurt to get what I had so dearly desired. I just wanted to find him and be with him. The Seawitch told me that I had to swallow a vial of gross gunk that tasted bitter and was warm for some reason. Then spit it back out. When I did it glowed with this odd greenish tint.

But it worked. I couldn't speak anymore and I grinned as he gave me the next vial. It was shimmering with a soft shine that was odd. He said,"This will give you a year of being human. To be so permanently you'll have to have someone that loves you, kiss you."

"Romantically?",Fiyora asked. She had to be sure that even if we didn't become lovers that I could live after that. The Seawitch didn't answer me for some reason and said,"If you fail to, then you'll turn to foam on the waves."

"WHAT?! THAT'S SADISITIC!",my friend had screamed. Fiyora pulled me into a hug as she begged,"Please don't do this. You'll die and we'll never see you again."

He let out a low noise of annoyance as he said,"Hey. He'll get someone to care about him on the surface. It's not like he's unlikeable."

"But how do you expect him to communicate with the guy?!",she asked. Her eyes glaring at the Seawitch for a moment. With a growl, she asked,"He can't speak. How do you expect him to be able to do this?"

"He can learn sign language. There's plenty of deaf or mute humans on land who do this instead of verbal speech. You're honestly being overprotective of the kid.",he said. Rolling his eyes, he grabbed my hand with one of his tentacles. In a gentle voice, he said,"You shouldn't drink the potion underwater. It'll be a Hell of a swim and you might drown down here if you do."

Fiyora pulled me out of his grasp as quick as possible and out of the den. The Seawitch followed after us as we swam with our friends to the beach where the human frequented. I pulled myself on shore as best I could. Then I opened the bottle and drank the liquid quick as possible. It was even worse than the first stuff and I was in so much pain. I couldn't scream as my whole body turned into a human's. 

In fact I passed out from the pain and when I woke up, the Seawitch was there. He was hovering over me as I lay there trying to get used to my limbs. When I finally sat up, he told me that I should have someone teach me how to walk. And that my legs would probably be too weak to stand for a while.

I then heard some odd gutteral barking noises and realized that my friends were speaking. The Seawitch glared in their direction before he said,"I had them attract some humans. Seems they've come sooner than I thought. Anyways good luck!"

Then he went back into the water. A few minutes later,I heard a dog barking and I scrambled to get away from it. It was no use. This huge fluffy dog came over to me and jumped me. It licked my face as I tried to get away and this man came over. He got the dog off and helped me into his house. A rather odd scrawny looking gentlemen too. I was given some clothes and he contacted a hospital then his neighbor. The same man I had saved from the waters a while ago. He looked a little different. He has the most beautiful green eyes I had ever seen. This was three days ago. I wish he'd visit soon.

I doubt he saw me back then. Even if he had, I have changed quite a bit ways. Now I have long red hair, large blue eyes and deeply tanned skin. It's weird having lips though. And a nose. This one looks rather cute actually. It's kind of big but I like it. Standing is a lot harder than it looks. I'm going to be going to physical therapy soon as I'm okayed to be out of the hospital. At least that's what one of the medical droids who brought me medicine implied. I didn't ask but the guy who found me did. He was only in for a few minutes but he seemed concerned.

Oh well. Write more later.


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