Day 35

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Day 35

February 4

I haven't mentioned my meeting with the Seawitch have I? It was pretty much just him telling me how my friends are doing. So far they haven't been caught up in fishing nets. But Fiyora has come pretty close a few times. Got injured by a harpoon but he managed to heal her. So at least I know she's going to be okay. She says that she's worried about the merfolks who've come back. But he didn't tell me why she's so worried. Seems like she didn't trust him enough to say why.

I've been wondering if maybe they're starting to crack.

So far though there haven't been dead animals washing up on beaches. Or anything weird being found in the water. Hell there's liteally been nothing but good things about the mermaids being released. Then again I doubt humans would admit they fucked up.


Uggh...anyway today has been pretty good. Really wasn't a whole lot to do today but it's good. Just kind of feeling a little tense about tonight. Not exactly sure why. Maybe it's because the place he's taking me to is supposedly fancy. And I'm worried about what to say or what he's going to be saying. As well as a whole lot of just worrying that this won't as be nice as the second date. Like it went well last time but what if it gets really awkward or something!

Daiyu is here again and she's still acting like she did last time. Telling me that I shouldn't worry too much. That I'm going to be just fine and that Eloni isn't going to treat me any different. She also said that I should try to relax. Also she said that she'll do my make up this time too. I'm still not enjoying the eyeliner either.

Sharp thing near my eyeball is not something I like at all.

Anyway I went with this nice black sweater and some khakis along with the black shoes. Dad said that I looked cute in it. And I definitely did look good. But that really didn't make me any less nervous ya know? I'm kind of worried that he's asking me out to be nice.

Or that he's just going to tell me that Nalin wants to date him. Ow...Daiyu flicked my ear again. She's really got strong hands. And now she's telling me that I need to relax or the date'll go bad cuz I'm trying to hard. Also that Eloni should consider himself lucky that I'm interested in him at all.

Dad just agreed.

Scruffle's at work but I guess he'd agree too. I know that Ms Flufflebottom is definitely agreeing. fucking nervous. Really don't know why I'm so nervous either. Anyway I'll probably write more before I go to bed. Probably.

I'll write more after the date. Crossing my fingers that it goes as well as I hope it will.

Write more later.


Edit: I'm...he kind of...Eloni and I went to this park after we ate. He laid down with me on the lawn to look at the stars. And he cuddled up to me while we looked at them. Eloni pointed out all these things he called the um. Conste-somethings. There was things I didn't think of them as before when I was a merman.

It's weird how much you can learn from another species. Especially most of their behaviors. Like Eloni doesn't like having his stomach touched after he's eaten.

Or that some humans don't trust you if you can't speak. Learned that the hard way from the fucking waiter. He acted like I didn't talk to him out of spite or some shit like that. Thankfully we didn't have to get the manager involved.

The place was really pretty too...oh and I learned that humans tend to touch you even when you don't want it. Especially when you can't voice your distaste for being touched.

No, Eloni didn't do anything.

Just. There are times when I'm out in public alone and someone just grabs my shoulder. Or my hand and doesn't let go. It really gets creepy...anyway the date went well. I'm going to go watch movies with Daiyu and Dad for a while.

Write more later.


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