Day 60

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Day 60

March 1

I got the day off from work today. So I have watched these movies that Daiyu gave me as well as sitting around in yoga pants. Tank top and my favorite pink fuzzy slippers. Goodness are they comfy. Feel like I'm wearing clouds on my feet. Or at least what I imagine clouds would feel like. Haven't done much today other than take a long hot bath with Ms Flufflebottom watching. Didn't exactly intend on her watching me bathe though. She just came in to the bathroom on her own, then sat down on the edge of the tub. Her little eyes wide with surprise as if I was doing something completely horrifying.

Then again cats don't usually like water.

So she probably thought I was being a bit on the weird side or something like that. The way she was staring at me suggested as much. Poor kitty doesn't understand how much I'd love to be surrounded by more water though. She'd probably be scared.

Which would be understandable.

After that, she insisted on licking my hair dry for some reason. Put a stop to that though. Don't need her coughing up red hairballs all afternoon. Again. Once was enough in my lifetime. It was horrible to clean up too.

Anyway I rather like hobbits. They're so interestingly silly, hungry and quite frankly scared that they're hard to not like. In fact I don't know how anyone isn't an avid hobbit fan. Though I have to wonder who designed the actor's ears.

They look a bit primitive.

Also their outfits seem a bit dated, too bright too. And a bit ugly as well as impractical. Then again I'm probably just being a little too critical of this stuff. As I always tend to be with things I adore.

I can never just shut off that part of my brain and enjoy.

Oh well. At least...why is he so rude to Bilbo? So he's not a trained fighter. He has never had to fight like you had. Oh come on,Thorin! You like him! Kiss him already! Goodness you're so silly. What is it with dwarves anyway? Why are they so stubborn, rude and pig-headed?

Sure Thorin is quite attractive, not as attractive as Eloni but close, he's just so thick-headed. I don't understand why dwarfs are such stubborn babies when it comes to this stuff. Okay so I should expect this behavior through out the movies. Goodness am I going to be annoyed.

Elves are pretty...useless. Lovely and useless. Kind of like well. Kind of like how beards are on some people. Pretty but definitely useless.

Weird comparison, I know but I couldn't think of anything more witty than just that.

Oh dear goodness is Legolas's dad pretty. I just want to braid his hair it's so wonderful. Though I don't think he'd see me as a normal human though. I don't think elves are easy to fool with magic. Or dwarves. Hobbits might be but they could be super polite or not care. Food seems to be their passion next to pipe weed and drinking.

I think I'd fit in with my love of food.

Okay sure I'm not that in love with food though. Twelve meals a day would be a bit much for me. Four meals would be perfectly fine. But twelve would get me sick or fat. Fat wouldn't be too bad since I think I'm in danger of being under weight.

Dad says I might be ten pounds underweight. Might be. He isn't sure but he says that he'll help weigh me and get me tested later. Which means tons of needles in my arms. Blood drawing. Other fun things that I can't really think of now.

Or I won't be able to have snacks later.

Well. I probably should go take a nap for a little while. I didn't get much sleep cuz of my alarm clock. Also a certain fluffy kitty demanded food right then and there. And I possibly got five hours or so. Going to take a nap for at least three hours.

Will write more later.


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