Day 59

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Day 59

February 28

Today was a bit better than yesterday. Work wasn't as busy as usual. In fact it was kind of nice too. We all pretty much did some light work and I got to hang out with Ms Chowdhury.

She has a few cool books in her office that are really old.

Like maybe a hundred or so years old. Some were these old stories that were kind of interesting. One was a book series that she kept for someone. They really sucked and had racist stereotypes in it. The author is kinda creepy looking too. I'm not going to research this dude at all though. He's much too creepy.

Dad said his name was this weird name but I ain't saying it.

Kind of feel like his picture could see through my human disguise. Don't worry I didn't do anything to Ms Chowdhury's books. Like I'd risk getting fired because a book scared me. That would be the most embarrassing way to get myself fired.

Daiyu, Nalin, Scruffle and Eloni would laugh at me.

Dad would be a bit disappointed but I doubt he'd be upset. Ms Flufflebottom would just stare at me then start purring to calm me down. She really loves making sure that everyone feels happy. Getting on to everyone's lap and purring up a storm.

Such a wonderful ball of chubby fluff.

After we chatted,I just finished up my work then went home. I checked my mail,paid the bills online of course and fed Ms Flufflebottom. Then I went and got food for myself out of the fridge. The dinner I ordered last night was so big that I had left overs.

Good thing to,now I don't have to cook.

Figured that I'd spend the rest of my night thinking of what I should do for the kiss. Like I'm not sure how Dad would feel about me asking for a kiss and Scruffle always smells weird. He wears this weird cologne stuff that he makes for himself.

It's this weird stink weed stuff that just. It smells so awful. Kind of made me wish that my nose wasn't so sensitive.


I could ask Daiyu if I ever manage to accidently hurt myself. She seems the type to be sympathetic to injury. Though that would be a little hard for me to hope for. Also she doesn't seem to kiss friends.

Sure she believes in platonic love but she's not comfortable with kisses. I can respect that. Kisses aren't exactly something a lot of people are comfortable with. Though I wish she was.

Would make being human so much easier.

Eloni might not want to kiss me yet. We've known each other for a while but I don't think he's okay with kissing at this stage. Might take a couple of months or so. But that's fine,I've got time.

I can wait for him to be okay with this.

Anyway. I'm not sure if Nalin'd kiss me either. He's not interested in kissing. In fact he's really interested in space,deep-sea and swords. Mostly he's into swords. Even showed me some of his favorites.

They were truely beautiful. Kind of wish I could get myself a collection like that too. It's a wonderful sight to see. Though he said it cost him a bit of money though. Kind of wish I could make enough myself to buy a few of those swords.

Goodness they were beautiful.

I wonder if kissing Ms Flufflebottom would be enough to keep myself human or not. Well it wouldn't hurt to try. After I'm done eating, I'm going to kiss her little forehead. Usually that's all it takes for her to kiss me back. I kind of hope it works. It's silly though. But I do hope that it works. Not sure how it's going to feel though.


Just kissed the cat and got a kiss for myself. Felt absolutely nothing at all and I still couldn't speak. Just the same quiet that I've become accustomed to. At least I tried. Sure I got absolutely no where,I at least tried.

Or I think it's nothing.

Well I don't know if it worked or not so back to the drawing board. Getting a human to keep myself human. It's going to be a fun few months or so. Well it could be worse.


I'm going to go watch some of my favorite programs. Also going to be wearing my fave pajamas and slippers. Maybe have some fun with popcorn and soda.

Write more later.


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