Day 47

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Day 47

February 16

Nalin came home today. He seems to be a lot less tired then before. This time he seems to have better medication as well as schedule. I'm going to call him when I get the chance to later. Well at least after work.

Eloni's been acting better lately and I'm glad to see that.

Ever since Nalin got him home, he's been happier and his eyes are much brighter now. And his laugh is genuine. God I adore his laugh. It's been too long since I've heard it.

Anyways on to my other news. Dad's been really busy with his work at the hospital. There's was an accident in town that involved this kid and some form of giant structure. It was some odd structure that I've never heard of before. What happened was that it fell and caused quite a few people to get hurt. Dad wasn't sure how many have been taken in but there were a ton of them.

He'll be busy for a while, good thing I can make food for myself. And that Ms Flufflebottom isn't too hard to take care of. She's cuddling with me right now by the way. I'll be feeding her in a few hours. Just her normal dry food that she really likes. As well as the wet food.

Doesn't seem to be a big fan of wet cat treats though.

Never going to buy the dry ones though. Those gave her horrible farts that made our place smell horrid. Like rotten eggs or something like that. It was really bad because Daiyu came over and she was horrified. She gagged when she came through the front door. Gagged. Just how bad does a smell have to be for that?


Anyway I'm doing well by the way. I've been doing well with my job and I've gotten to decorate my place. It's kind of like home. Sea with just a hint of punk and shizz like that. Man I really love the seashells that I put all around my bedroom. Some sticker glow in the dark seastars around my telescreen's plastic border. It was a whole lot of work to get the little stickers in place but I managed it.

Right now I'm really happy with all this. So happy with what I've made here and I'm a bit afraid of what'll happen. Like maybe someone is going to take this away from me. But I haven't been in trouble or really anything else lately.

There's this feeling that I'm in deep trouble though. Like something is either going to go bad or I'm about to be hurt. I don't know why though. My guess is that I'm just totally paranoid or something like that. Anyway I'm going to make something for dinner in a bit.

I think I'll try this thing that Daiyu showed me. It's this thing called vegetarian pizza? I've tried the regular kind that has cheese on it but I'm not sure what vegetarian's gonna be like. Or if I'm going to make this well enough at all. Though I guess if I don't then I'll at least learn from my mistakes. Besides I'm not sharing it with anyone anyways. So I have no one to impress with my silly cooking.

So I'm off. I'll be writing whenever I get the chance. Tomorrow,later tonight or even a week from now. I dunno.

I'll write more later.


Edit: Okay! I made pizza, it's in the oven. Fed Ms Flufflebottom just a little while ago. Probably going to have to eat my dinner in my room when it's done baking. My silly little cat likes to eat anything so long as it's food. She really loves eating goat cheese and bread.

Really, really loves bread.

In fact she bit me when I was feeding her a piece of bread that Daiyu made me once. Anyways. I'm going to go check on my pizza and hopefully it's going to be done. So hungry it's not even funny. I'm so glad that I know how to cook in the slightest bit.

I'll write more later.


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