Day 68

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Day 68

March 9

Dad has been staying later than usual today. He seemed pretty intent on me being able to make myself food for the next few weeks. I think he's expecting his schedule to change again. Kind of super freaking worried about that. Last time he had taken these kinds of shifts, he stopped caring for himself. In fact a while he stopped eating and drinking.

Sleeping too.

Still he'd find the time to shower though. I really hope that he's not just logging more hours into work. Because I don't think I can handle watching him hurt himself like that. He needs to slow down working more than he's doing so. I'm going to tell Daiyu about this. Scruffle will probably find out sooner or later. We should probably tell him about this.

Eloni isn't too worried. Neither is Nalin for some weird reason they aren't too concerned. I'm not sure why they aren't though. Both of them saw what happened to Dad. He got so tired that he fell asleep for at least twelve hours last time. Couldn't think straight either. And had gotten so sick from not being able to was awful.

Let's just leave it to that.

Speaking of work. Ms Chowdhury is having me work some longer shifts for the next few weeks. So I won't have much time to speak to the Seawitch or visit the merfolks. Or go on dates with Eloni. Not even be able to hang out with Scruffle or Daiyu.

Ms Flufflebottom is lucky though. She can cuddle with me while I'm sleeping. And when I'm relaxing from a long day of work. I got enough time to spend playing with her too. Got her these new crinkly toys that are metallic as well. Ms Flufflebottom really likes crinkly toys that are super shiny too. It's kind of nice to be able to at least spend time with her. Keeping her well-groomed too.

All that fluff just builds up after a while. It takes a while to broom up sometimes and Daiyu thinks we could make another Ms Flufflebottom with it. And Daiyu also thinks I should get a home bot to help with some of my tasks around here. Like dusting the vents or something like that. Or even washing Ms Flufflebottom when she literally is too dirty/squirmy for me to properly wash.

Sounds pretty good to me.

I'm pretty sure that they cost a bundle to buy and I'm not sure if I can really afford one. But Daiyu insists that I get myself one. She's even convinced Scruffle that I need one too. Dad hasn't heard about this yet but when he does though. He'll agree with them.

Eloni told Daiyu that he knows a place to buy new ones cheaply. Ones that'll even fit in the apartment. Nalin says that he'd put it together for me if I wanted. Like he'll make sure that it would work well and if it was missing anything he'd fix it. Also he said that he'd get me one that came with the ability to cook. For when I'm too tired from a long day of work or just don't feel like it.

Which would be kind of nice. Though I am not sure that I would be comfortable with this. I mean I've met a few bots but they kind of seem weird to me. Like some are nice but others are like mean butlers that you can power down.

Then hang up when you don't need them. Though I kind of want to have one. It'd be interesting to have someone other than a cat to talk to. Even though Ms Flufflebottom can be pretty darn fun to talk to...okay sure I'm speaking for her in my head, it still counts right?


I might try having a bot then. Though I will have to be present for the real model buying. Do not need more surprises from Scruffle. The seaweed pancakes he made me this morning were enough for my whole life.

Don't need any more like them.

Write more later.


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