Day 128

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Day 128

May 8

...I really miss Fiyora. She's gotten tougher since I've seen her last and I wanna speak to her. It was so heartbreaking to see her swim alongside Eloni and myself as we moved along the beach. I just wanted to tell her how much I cared about her and that I missed her. Never have I felt this urge to just jump into the water.

We only went to the beach twice in the time we were there. The first day we arrived by plane, then the last day. And I have never felt so homesick before in my whole life. But being around Eloni helped lessen the ache. We went to several lovely places.

Eloni and I went on this horse ride afterward. It was completely horrific as fuck but Eloni let me cling to him. So I suppose that made it way better,despite how much of a guppy I felt. We hung out the hotel on the second day and just were completely lazy. I never imagined that Eloni was a comic fanboy or that he hated some Whedon guy. For whatever reason. I think it has to do with Whedon being some creepy 'dudebro' or so. I was kind of afraid of asking what other reasons he didn't like Whedon.

Or what a 'dudebro' was.

The third day, we went out to this little amusement park. We got to be on some of the rides, met some cute characters and ate nice food. One of the characters was this really nice guy in a weirdly colourful outfit that seemed to know me. But I wasn't too sure why he seemed to be saddened at the sight of me. He told me that he wished me the best of luck and that I should be careful. I am afraid to find out who he was. Now that I think of it,I'm not even sure that he was an actor there. Because when Eloni came into sight, he ran off and I think he left for the exit.

At least he didn't rob me of anything.

The fourth day was just us at this large party. It was the weirdest thing I had ever experianced and not unpleasant in anyway. But it was kind of uncomfortable. I told Eloni,he took me back to the hotel room and we spent the rest of the night watching tv. He told me that he was sorry for putting me into a situation that made me so uncomfortable. I told him that it was okay. But it was sweet that he cared enough to take me out of a situation I wasn't okay with when I asked.

The fifth day. Well. We spent the day at a spa and were pampered in ways I never dreamed of. It was so nice. I got a massage,manicure and pedicure. It was the most heavenly experiance I ever had.

The mudbath felt really odd but I did like it.

The sixth day,we went to this lovely showing of 'Phantom of The Opera' and it was interesting. Didn't like how the stalker, the Phantom, was considered a good guy because it's obvious he isn't. He was the most disturbing person I had ever seen ever. And it wasn't just because of the creepy scars on the actor.

Before we went to the beach on our last day out, it odd that I'm so shy to say that we had sex? Because we did. It was pretty much what I expected and it was okay but I dunno. It wasn't as awesome as how people seem to make it out to be.

After that we went to the beach and we spent time near the water. Fiyora was really happy to see us. Eloni was a little weary of her at first, so was she of him, but they got along pretty well. And it was nice to see.

I hope I can see her again soon. Right now, I gotta go hang out with Daiyu and tell her about everything. Scruffle wants to know too and so does Dad. Also Ms Flufflebottom has been pawing my hands for the past few minutes and I think she wants to be fed.

Write more later.


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