Day 34

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Day 34

February 3

I've never seen someone that happy to get just a simple blanket before. Then again I've never made a blanket before in my life. Especially when he pulled me into a hug. It was a little too tight and lasted way too long. At least he likes the quilt I made him.

Daiyu got pulled into a hug when she said that she helped make it. Scruffle got an awkward hand shake. Mostly because Scruffle smells kind of um...well gross. But Nalin was way too polite to tell him that though. Guess I am also way too polite to tell him either. It's kind of awkward to tell someone they smell. Anway, we all chatted for a while before we had to go. Kind of wish we got to stay longer than an hour. It seemed like Nalin was feeling anxious or something like that. I hope that he's going to be alright. He seems like such a sweet person and I want him to be mentally stable. Especially for his own sake you know? Seems like he and Eloni have had enough bad shit happen in life. They don't deserve more.

Work has been pretty good by the way. It was a little stressful at first being a secretary. I like my boss. She's really nice to me and I like how pretty her name is. Her name is Akikta Chowdhury. Akikta said that what she documents are about kids who are like me. Adopted or just flat out by themself. I'm not sure if I'm on her file but it'd be interesting. No way in Hell am I going through these files. Then again I'm pretty sure that looking through them is illegal. Pretty sure that I'm already doing something illegal already.

I'm not sure though that pretending to be who I am right now is illegal. Or if it is. Human laws are many, different and sometimes outright confusing to me. Murder is illegal here as well as morally wrong.

Which is fair enough you know. Our kind don't see murder as anything inherently wrong. After all we live in a pretty good ocean so it really doesn't matter.

Well depending on the situation that is.

Killing over food is okay. As well as killing over a mate too. And killing to protect yourself is the biggest okay thing. But if you kill for the fun of it, you are pretty fucked.

Usually that means a merperson is cracked in the head and needs to be taken out. You kill for fun or eat them. Then you're considered more rabid than any horrible animal ever. We don't know what causes it. Mental illness is never a factor in these kinds of things. It's like you've gotten a taste for blood and you just crave more. Or like something's gotten its claws into you and gotten you a thirst that can never be quenched.

We never found the cause of the sickness but we're sure it's something unnatural.

Okay wow. I need to get off this creepy think and get back into something a lot more healthy. Right now I'm cuddling Ms Flufflebottom. She's gotten brushed by Daiyu when we got home. I did the work of cleaning her icky litterbox. Which wasn't as bad as I thought it would be though. I think it's cuz of the kitty litter that Eloni got.

I cleaned my hands really well after I did that.

Ms Flufflebottom will probably be begging for food soon. I'm not too hungry though. Ate a really big lunch today so I might just make myself a sandwich or something. Maybe with some sprouts and lots of sunflower seeds too. I really like sunflower seeds. They're super tasty as well as filling.

Yummy with a capital "YUM".

Daiyu isn't sure why I have so much vegetarian stuff along with the meat stuff I eat. I've been keeping fish cuz I miss eating a whole one from back home. Haven't shared with my silly kitty though.

I hear it's not really good for cats. Neither is chocolate or umm...shit I forgot the list that Eloni gave me.

Lost it in my bedroom.

I think.

Anyway I'm going to make myself a nice sandwich then feed Ms Flufflebottom her favorite food. Got some of this weird wet food that is lamb flavored I think. And I think I better feed her soon before she riots. Right now she's already nipping at my fingers with a grumpy look.

I know! I know! Silly cat. Anyway I'll be back in a little while to write about what Eloni and I got planned.

Oh! Umm...I'm going on a date with Eloni! I also got a super hungry cat right now so I'll feed her.

Then I'll feed myself.

Write more later.


Edit: Eloni and I are going to be having dinner at this fancy place. He says it's French, small as well as really lovely. I'm kind of curious as to why he wants to go on such an elaborate date for.

Kind of doesn't seem like his style either.

I'm a little concerned as to why he wants this but it's nice. I've got some good clothes for the occasion and Daiyu promises she'll do my hair again. As long as I give her all the details of the date like last time. And as long as I tell her what the place is like too. Hopefully she'll be happy with that and I hope it'll be nice as Eloni says.

Anyway I'll write more later.


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