Day 77

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Day 77

March 18

I couldn't sleep yesterday. Not too sure why I couldn't fall asleep yesterday. After all I did to fall asleep too. I even took some medication that Dad recommended for me. It didn't help in the slightest. So today, Eloni is going to be giving me a massage in the hopes that it'll help me. And I'm really hoping it does. Though I am a bit nervous about how that'll go. I don't like it when people touch my body so I'm going to be a bit uncomfortable with this.

Okay a bit more than just a tiny but I'm giving it a shot anyways.

Ms Flufflebottom has been trying to help. Her purring is usually so soothing for me. It had helped me fall asleep a few times but this time it hasn't. I told Scruffle,he has no idea. Daiyu wasn't sure why I hadn't been able to fall asleep either. She's tried to help me with some teas. None of them taste all that great either.

Or I'm a giant wimp.

Either way I'm not too sure that I'll be able to drink anymore of them in the future. Because I'm a complete baby. Anyway. It'll be a few more hours before Eloni shows up. I gotta take a quick shower before he comes over. I probably should also put on some clean clothes as well.

Some nice, clean, and comfy ones too. I'm going to probably be using these fun pajamas that Dad got me. Some fun sea animal ones with my favorite slippers.

I'll probably write more tomorrow. Not too sure what else I'll be doing. Might be just working. Might not be. Either way,I'm going to be up to my eyeballs in work.

Write more later.


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