Day 75

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Day 75

March 16

I honestly need to work on making more kinds of food and work on menus. Not that good with planning. Like eating more foods with fruit in it or eating less bread. Kind of want to get more seafood in my diet. Decent fish, shellfish or crabs. Dad said that a few places that sell what I wanted. He said that he'd help me get some decent deals. I wanted some tuna sometime soon. It'd be lovely to eat grilled.

Or at least I've been told that it would be. Never actually eaten grilled fish before. Kind of cautious on how it would be ready. I'm not particularly confident with fire. It kind of scares the living fuck out of me. Though I think I can get over it if I get some practise. After all most things get easier if you practise.

Like baking in general. I've found I've gotten better at making bread these past few weeks by doing it more often. Learning from my errors and using different ingredients. Like making certain kinds of bread with less flour than last time. It kind of came out weird and super icky. I'm a little humiliated to admit that I ate it anyway. Hid it from Dad too. Didn't want him to see how I badly I fucked up a recipe.

Cuz I'm that kind of childish.

Anyway I've tried to make more stuff. Like maybe some cake too. I haven't exactly decided what to make. There's so many recipes that I want to try. Most I'll have to find with Dad when we go shopping. Though I want to know if he's allergic to something called strawberries or not. Some of the recipes come with strawberries.

Kind of weird though.

I wish I had more extensive knowledge about fruits and vegetables. Kind of need to know more when I'm possibly going to be eating most of them. Well possibly. Not sure if it's actually possible to eat all the foods in the entire world or not. Would take longer than my possible human life will allow me. After all humans live just one hundred years to our...uhh...well it's pretty damn long.

Long as whales lives can be at times.

We really adore them as much as we adore humans. Except they're friends with us. They help us hunt for food while we keep bad things away from them. And we stayed together in packs at times.

One whale per pack.

Anyway I'm getting off track. I gotta go make a list of foods that I need along with some other stuff. Ms Flufflebottom is good on food but I should probably get more. Also need to get some new bed sheets. My old ones are getting gross.

Can't exactly wash them everyday either. Washing machine maybe getting them clean but they're wearing thin too. I'm getting at least five sheets or so. Daiyu is getting me a lot of blankets. I think she's going to be making them for me. Which will be nice,warm and I really adore the way she makes stuff.

I am going to be getting some drinks soon too. Some juice, coffee stuff along with other stuff. Not sure what I want to experience with drinks. I don't know if I like sweet drinks or not.

So I'll try everything to see what works best for me. It'll probably take a few months but I'll get through the list. Kind of wanting to taste chocolate soy milk stuff. Daiyu said that it tastes pretty good. So I'm guessing it would be lovely.


Write more later.


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