Day 65

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Day 65

March 6

I've noticed that I'm gaining some weight around my stomach and face. My cheekbones are becoming a lot less visible. So are my ribs. That makes me really happy. Dad says that it's good too. He thinks that I should do some excersizes to. Says I should build up more muscle in my arms. Also I should try having a bit more iron in my diet than I am now. Or I'll become something that begins with an 'a'.

A blood disorder thing that's really bad.

Daiyu says that I need to be careful with that too. She said that she'd help me with certain foods. Like she'll give me a list of stuff that I should eat to keep my levels safe. And that she'll even shop with me when she's done with the list. I'm pretty sure that I'll be getting some iron supplements to go along with this. Dad said that those help a bit but I should eat some iron rich foods too. Mostly gotta be careful that Ms Flufflebottom doesn't eat it either. (That cat eats more food than I've seen any animal do in one sitting. It's fascinating.)

Or she'll probably over do it and puke. Not a big fan of cleaning up cat vomit. So I'd really rather not let her eat any of what I'm eating. And wow that's gross to be thinking about.

Anyways. These past few days have been pretty darn boring. Just chilling while watching TV. Hanging out with Eloni, Daiyu and sometimes Scruffle. He's really been acting kind of odd for some reason. Though he insists that he's fine, I'm worried if it's because of the merfolks. Lately they've been acting skittish.

Ariel was pretty much by herself for the past few days and no one knows why. She's stopped eating too. They haven't figured out a complete reason about why it's happening. But one of them has a theory that maybe they'd prefer not to be around people. Which seems like a solid theory. Not having a voice is slowly killing me though. If I could speak, I could be able to figure this out quicker than we're doing now.

Way quicker.

Scruffle is working on finding a machine to help translate their sounds to words. He hasn't found anything that will work completely. I'm not too sure if he will find anything. Especially since they'd have to put it on them. Right now Ariel has wanted nothing to do with people. Wonder if I came into the water if she'll come over to me. Or if she'll ignore me like the others. Sure she came up to me before on her own. But this whole wanting to be alone makes me worried that something is awful.

Really hoping there's no disease in the water. Maybe they don't filter it enough and she's sick.

Though or kind hardly ever get sick. So it must be something else. Or hell,she's just homesick and uninterested in people. Though they say her fins are too damaged to be let out into the wild. Our kind wouldn't help her if they figured that out. She'd be a sitting duck for worse predators and our own kind.

Especially our own kind.

Hopefully we're wrong. And hopefully she's just not feeling well. Like she's got some sort of problem with her gills. That kind of problem is usually fixable though. Just need a proper cleaning with well...I think they could just flush it out easily. Dad says that saline has been used to flush out certain kinds of things.

Not sure if that'll work on gills.

But I could suggest that to Scruffle and see what he thinks of it. Might be worth doing. Just as a precaution of course. Gotta be sure that they're on the proper road to recovery and all that. Don't want them to die on us. I know that Scruffle doesn't want them to. I of course don't because well. I don't want someone of my kind to be dead.

Been losing enough friends as is. I don't think I want to lose anymore than I already have.

Write more later.


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