Day Two

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Day 2

January 4th

Today has been a fairly good day all things considered. I've been somewhat able to walk to the bathroom. With the nurse's assistance of course. That was a fairly awkward adventure as well. My legs could hardly hold me up and I had to grab his arms a lot. He didn't seem really phased by this in the slightest. Just helped me over the toilet. Got me situated and let me do my business.

It was kind of strange using a human bathroom. Then again everything is weird to me. Especially the robots and other mechanical crap I've seen. Hover cars, droids and weird metal people who smelled funny. Really funny. Or at least that one girl smelled funny. Like oil or something as disgusting as that. I couldn't ask even if I wanted too though. Not meaning that just because I can't speak. But the whole fact that it would be rude as a Hell to say as much.

'Hey, you smell like oil!'

Anyway. What I've done today was spend time with the nurse and he's a really nice guy. His name is, Chirayu Mahajan. Chirayu says his family is from two different countries. But he was born in the town we are in now. Which he told me but I forgot it already. I really should have been paying attention to what he had said. But I was a little distracted by everything I had been seeing. The places, the people and the foods too. I was mostly in a wheelchair the whole time thanks to my legs. It was the weirdest thing I'd ever experienced in my life. The thing hovered a foot off the ground as we made ventured in and around the hospital. 

Chirayu says that they have a place for people like me. People with no real family or friends to stay with. It's a small place and it smells kind of off. But then again, all these smells are weird to me. Having a sense of smell is the oddest experience that I've ever had. Next to these unsharp teeth and nails. As well as this too long bright red hair that needs constant tending to. It feels really nice under my touch and thanks to the weird stuff that Chirayu gave me, it's shiny too. He told me it's this shampoo stuff that goes along with conditioner.

Oh. I almost forgot to mention! The man I rescued from drowning those years ago showed up today. His name is Eloni Palakiko. And his neighbor wasn't with him. I'm guessing he was too busy with work to be able to visit me. But Eloni told me that he would be visiting me soon and that his name is Nalin Mahelona.

We're currently sitting in a cafe that is literally overloading my senses with smells and sights. He's ordering a type of vegetable that I haven't seen before. And he helped me order this thing that he called um...kadhi? I got no idea what it is, but it sounds good. So, I'm hopeful it is good compared to the fish that I've been accustomed to my whole life. We're both drinking something that's called 'coffee'. At least that's what Eloni says it is. But it looks like dirty water and tastes funny. I guess my tastebuds aren't used to new stuff yet. Wonder if coffee is just an acquired taste or not. The way Eloni is drinking it makes me believe it is. He's liking it better than I am. And he's really drinking it down as he reads something. I tapped my fingers on the table near him and point to it. He asks,"Oh. I'm sorry. Did you want to read the newspaper?"

Tilting my head to the side,I look at him confused. Taking note of this,he asks,"You do know what a newspaper is right?"

Of course, I couldn't answer him and shook my head. He sounded amused as he said,"Oh. Well, it's a paper that talks about events happening in either the world or in the city."

Pulling a seat up to me, he shows me the newspaper. It had pictures of people I didn't know as well as some places. All of this was so interesting. I put down the journal that Chiyaru had given me to read it. The paper had some stuff of an odd discovery made nearby us. Something about several carcasses of odd animals found on beaches and nets. They were humanoid with strong fins like dolphins. I hadn't noticed that I was crying until Eloni wiped away some of my tears. It felt kind of nice to cry. In my old form, I had no tear ducts so crying wasn't something I could ever physically do. And oddly enough it helped me a little bit. It didn't just make him put the paper away from the both of us. He held me very close as he asked me what was wrong. What made me so upset? Did I need a napkin? I shook my head as I pointed to the paper. The picture of the nets in front of us. Eloni seemed puzzled by this and stared at it. In a slightly confused voice, he asked,"Are you upset about some of the creatures being found dead in the nets?"

I nodded my head and he said,"I hear they've been finding a majority of them alive and releasing. Only a few have been kept due to injuries they've received from the nets."

When the waiters set down our food and hurried off. Petting my back, he offered,"I could take you to the city that they're at. If you'd like?"

I vigorously nodded my head that I wanted to do this. Wiping a few tears from my face with the back of my hand. Once I calmed down, we began eating the nice food. Eloni chuckled at this and said,"That's good. I've been wanting to see how they've been treated since they've been in captivity."

We ate our food as he talked about my kind. He told me how he wished he had a device to translate their speech. Or at least someone who's able to translate their words. I almost laughed when he said that part. If only I could think of how to tell him about myself. But I'm worried he'll think I'm weird or something. And I'd rather he finds that out after a real first date. Anyway. Once we finish our food, he helped me into my chair. Eloni paid for our food and then helped me into his car. I really hope that the place he's taking me to is sufficient enough for my kind. My heart would break if they aren't safe.

I'll write about the experience later.


Edit: They looked pretty darn icksome when we finally got to meet them. I'm really scared for them. Each of the mermaids were a real pale grey color. They weren't even swimming in the water. Nor were they eating anything at all. Then again, they weren't giving them the right fish at all. In fact, the fish they were given were disgusting looking.

I think a few were rotting too.

Chiyaru read the note I gave him about the mermaid's conditions. And he seemed as outraged as I was. The place that they were in has been known for its mistreatment of animals. In fact, there's been several public outcries about this and several petitions. None have gotten enough signatures just yet. Obviously, I'm outraged by this. And I'm going to ask Eloni to help me with getting them out of there. 

There's no way in Hell that I'm going to let those innocent souls rot in that horrible place! No way will I ever let my kind be treated like that. It's going to end and end soon. Soon as I figure out a place that's better for them to live at. And would be willing to take them in as well.

I'll ask Chiyaru if he knows of a place tomorrow.

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