Day 133

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Day 133

May 13

Daiyu and I have been talking about the sex thing. She thinks that Eloni took advantage of me on our vacation. This surprised me. I initiated the act. It wasn't like he pinned me to our bed and did whatever he wanted with me. I asked him if he wanted to and he said yes. This was mutually what we wanted. I've been trying to tell her that but she wouldn't believe me.

Great. Just fucking great. Now she's acting like the new girl from work. She thinks I can't protect myself or do anything for or by myself either. What am I to her? An infant? Why does everyone treat me like I'm too weak to do anything at all?!

I kicked her out of my place since she was really trying my patience. Daiyu has no idea what Eloni is like or what we did. So she shouldn't have judged. It...I understand that she cares about me. But I don't need her to baby me or anything. I mean. We're friends,she used to treat me like an adult at one point. So why isn't she now?

Did me having sex make me different in her eyes?

I'm done with talking about this. Let's move on to Dad. We spoke about me having sex with Eloni and he didn't seem to mind. In fact he was happy for me. And he asked if Eloni still treats me like a person or not. I said he does because he does and he's glad. Something tells me that if I said no he would've done something to Eloni.

Nothing pleasant either.

Anyway. I've been making us dinner and we are going to eat it watching old timey movies. Hopefully they'll be fun. I'm not sure if I get Dad's sense of humor all that well. We're watching some 2012 stuff that I don't understand.

He also seems to have an extensive range of old umm...'American'? Movies. Ones made by a place that's been since renamed. I'm kinda weirded out by that. There are a ton of other old countries that are named differently now.

...I should be paying attention to the recipe. It's something Dad got from a patient. I'm not sure I'm good with cooking with goat meat. Or anything with vegetables. But Dad thinks I'm doing well. I probably should stop writing now. It's becoming very difficult for me to write and I'm afraid that I'll burn the meat if I don't watch it.

Write more later.


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