Day Thirteen

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Day 13

January 14

I have finally met with someone who wrote the first petition to my cause. He's really eccentric and weird. His hair is just so odd looking and supposedly all his clothes are handmade. Like they were made of rags or something. He had this fork in his white scraggily hair for some reason. Supposedly he's wealthy even though he doesn't look it. And his name is Suryansh Chopra. But he insisted that we call him Scruffle.

We, as in Chiyaru and myself, spoke about the new petition for the surviving merfolk. I suggested through several notes that we ask people in my building sign it. Along with some people at Eloni's workplace as well as Nalin helping to sign it. Scruffle wants to help make this stick. He really wants to make this work so badly. Like he felt sorry for them, or he knew a merperson or something. In fact, it was really like he had been with friends with one of us or something. I'm really sure of it. Though I didn't ask out of fear that I'd be overstepping some boundaries. Strangely Chiyaru didn't ask either. Even though he did seem curious. Eloni told me later that he's an environmentalist. And that he was sympathetic because he wants to preserve the earth. Which is a good cause. Though I don't think that's the only reason. Some part of me believes that he's a friend with one of my kind. I know that sometimes, like myself, mermaids develop relationships with humans. It's rare and it never really lasts due to their lives being shorter than ours. Seriously shorter than our lives. We aren't completely discouraged from it though. It's seen as harmless as humanity's love for small animals that live shorter lives than themselves in some circles. 

Except we never have to feed you or clean up after you.

Anyway, Chiyaru took me home after this and then he left for work. I'm currently ordering lunch for myself. Right now, I'm not sure what I want because it really sounds good. Kinda feeling this vegetarian food. I'm not sure what it is but I figured that I'd give it a chance. Got a whole year to be human being. And I've realized that's too short of a time to not try new things. I've never said this before. But I'm worried that I'll fail. Also, I'm wondering how turning to foam will be like. Will it hurt me? Does that mean I'll be dead? I want to ask the Seawitch, but I don't think he even knows. I shouldn't focus on this. Being scared won't help me with the task at hand. Anyway, I just put in my order. It'll be here in about twenty minutes or so. Hopefully it comes sooner than that cuz I'm starving. I'm also bored and don't have enough books to keep myself occupied.

Maybe I should turn on the news. Just to see if any more of my kind have been captured lately. Or if the scientists managed to be able to get their hands on more test subjects. I'm really hoping they haven't been allowed that. I mean what kind of human would let something that horrible happen? Just how cruel do you have to be? Even my kind shows compassion for things that aren't like us in every single way. I pray that these assholes aren't given that pleasure. They don't deserve to touch any of my kind.

When I turned on the TV to the news, here's a report on several mermaids being seen. As well as studied but not taken out of the ocean. It could mean that the news hasn't heard anything on that. Or they're not saying that they were or not yet. This means they're trying to avoid the public from seeing this. Scruffle said that they'd do this with the merfolk. That they'd do anything to keep the general public happy as well as in the dark.

It surprises me how easily placated humans are. That they'd not check into this sort of thing. At least the humans I care about want to stop this. None of them are comfortable with this sort of thing.

There's knocking on the door. Either my food is here or one of my neighbors needs me. I'll be gone for a few seconds to pay for it and all that good stuff. Whoever is out there is seriously impatient. They're banging on the door really hard like there's no tomorrow.

Alrighty, I'm back. The food smells really good and wow the delivery guy was a complete asshole. Didn't just yell at me, slowly and repeated shit he didn't need to for no reason. But did little hand motions for no good reason as well. He kept on acting like I was a five-year-old or something like that. Well at least he's gone, and I can eat my lunch in peace. Decided to change the channel as well because the news was pissing me off. What I turned on is a little weird though. Some form of old cartoon called um, wow I didn't pay attention to that part.

...I'm really hungry do not judge me.

Anyway. It's pretty funny for a show about three guppy kids. I wonder what else they're going to have on. Is it just going to be old cartoons from way back when or? Heh. Seems like it. Also, the food tastes really delicious. Would it be weird to try a lot of foods before the day I possibly turn to foam? I mean I really want to experience that along with other things. You know. Like being able to see animals that I've only seen from a distance.

Heck seeing ones that I've never even heard of too. Not sure that I'd want to get up close to them, wild animals are nothing to play with. I'd rather not get mauled for wanting to simply see an animal up close. Kind of want to see cats up close. I hear that they're really cute animals but they're really standoffish too. But I don't care if they are or not. I want an animal that I can cuddle and feel loved by.

Maybe I'll get myself a cute grown-up kitty. Daiyu says that they don't get enough love. And they get put down more often than kittens do. She said that she'll take me to an animal shelter when she's off work tonight. I can hardly wait! Eloni brought me some cat stuff yesterday. Cat litter box with food and water dishes. Some toys too. He says that he'll find some stuff online about the best way to care for a cat.

I informed him through note that won't be needed, and I could do the research on my own. But he's still going to do some research in case I need any tips or anything. He was really acting nervous for some weird reason. Like really nervous. Not 'I'm-being-hunted-by-a-predator' nervous though. Just kind of squirrely. I'm not sure why he'd be nervous around me though. It's not like I'm scary.  Maybe he's worried that I won't be able to care for a cat or something? Like that's going to be tough or anything. Just treat it nicely, feed it and clean out the place where it does its business. T.V taught me that and it seems really easy ya know?

I'm sure I'll do well. Later tonight, we'll pick one out from a pound and take it home. So excited that I'm bouncing on the couch right now! Soon I'll be able to cuddle a soft fluffy cat. I'll finally hear it do this thing called purring! This is going to be so freakin' awesome!

For now, I think I'm going to throw away the takeout stuff and wash some dishes. I'll tell you all about the cat I got tomorrow as well as how the petition is coming. It's going to be really busy around here. Kind of hoping that Eloni likes the cat. Even if he doesn't, I'm keeping the cat with me. I really could use the company for when Chiyaru isn't over and when Daiyu is busy.

Nalin hasn't come to visit me for some reason though. He hasn't answered any of my messages and Eloni says he hasn't seen him either. Kind of hoping that he's just busy with work or something. And I'm really hoping he's not hurt or anything.

Talk to you tomorrow.


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