Day Fifteen

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Day 15

January 16

Alright. So it's only a few more hours until my first date. I'm so nervous. Daiyu says that she's really proud of me. So is Chiyaru. Both of them don't hate Eloni but I don't know how he feels about them. I do know that he likes my cat at least. And Ms Flufflebottom likes him too. Which I suppose is a good sign.

Chiyaru is kind of warming up to her now. Scruffle adores the hell out of her and brings over toys for her. I also think he's been sneaking her some treats too. She's really going to be one spoiled fat cat. Really hoping that Daiyu can keep her if this fails. I really don't want her to be homeless if I turn to foam.

I also should have mentioned this yesterday but I was distracted. I had a visit with the doctor who helped me before. My legs are apparently getting weaker and weaker. He said that I probably won't be able to walk. After that, I kinda can't remember. It's not the worst thing ever but I'm scared. The Seawitch didn't tell me that I couldn't walk. I'm hoping that my condition doesn't get any worse.

At least my throat is fine. And I can still communicate well enough. Daiyu's been a really good teacher. She's made learning it really easy. Can't remember what her job is though. I don't think I've had a chance to ask. 

I might after my date. That I'm still nervous as Hell about. What if something goes wrong? What if the movie's super boring? The last one I watched was super boring. It was some dumb thing with mermaids that I wasn't too interested in. The plot sucked and the merfolk looked really weird to me. Each of the girls looked too sexed up considering their ages too. Also why do they have breasts or hips? We don't reproduce the same ways that humans do. Sure we have sex but we don't breastfeed our young. I mean our kind are born with razor sharp teeth as well as claws. So just what exactly do we need breasts for?

Humans are so weird when it comes to stuff like that. Oh well. Hopefully since they've come in contact with real mermaids that shit'll end. Kinda doubting they'll stop giving the girls long ass hair. Or fluttery eyelashes and gross plump lips. Like I said, humans are weird.

My neighbor just showed up to help me get ready. Daiyu is going to help me pick out an outfit that'll make me look cute. She keeps talking about dressing for my body type. Though I don't know what kind I have. As well as how to style my hair. Telling me that we'd braid it in this Celtic braid. I don't know what that means but she promises that I'll look cute. Also she said that she'll help me put on light make up. Mainly this junk that's called 'eyeliner'. Whatever that is.

I'll tell you how this happened later,


Edit: went well. Oh wow it went so well. Daiyu helped me pick out this white button up shirt with a black vest and some black dress pants. The flats she got me to try on were really cute. I really like the little bows they had on the ends of them. They also matched the vest I was wearing too.

And the braid took a while to do but it looked super cool.  She even put a green ribbon in my hair too. I like how she did it too. It made me feel so pretty. (Eloni said it looked super lovely on me too.) The eyeliner stuff felt weird to put on. I don't think I want anything that sharp near my eyeball ever again. Even if it made my eyes look really cute.

A few minutes after Daiyu left, Eloni showed up. He was wearing a blue long sleeved button up shirt with black pants. And he had on some really cool boots too. I tried to tell him that I liked them but I couldn't keep my hands steady.  But he didn't really seem to mind at all actually and told me how I looked too. My face got all warm when he told me that I looked really cute.

We got into his car and drove to this big crowded place in the middle of town. It's apparently called a mall. And it was really chaotic too. But in a fun sort of way. There were so many people there too. I had never seen so many humans in my entire life. It was strange being surrounded by them. 

Getting through the crowd was hard but we managed. Thankfully there wasn't too big of a line either when we got our tickets. We also got some popcorn and sodas. Getting a seat was a bit difficult. The only spots left were in the way back. But it was alright.  And the movie was some form of horror movie that involved this lady serial killer. She was really pretty. And she scared me a lot. I um...I hid my face in Eloni's shoulder during most of the movie. Though I don't think he really minded that. He patted my shoulder and told me when the movie was over. I felt like such a guppy.

Anyway we threw away our garbage, got my chair set up and went to his car. Then packed it in the backseat and drove over to his place. Which was way bigger than I remembered it being. And he prepared dinner while I waited in his living room. I saw pictures of his family. He looks a lot like his Mom than his Dad. 

The food he made was good. I can't remember what he called though. It was this spicy chicken stuff with bread, yogurt and rice. He even made some of this fish stuff just for me. And I think he said that it was catfish or something. Said that he got it from this market that sells it. Either way he made it spectacularly.

Never have I felt so full in my entire life.

We then spent the rest of the evening with me listening to him play this thingy. Eloni called it a flute. And he said that he used to play it for years when he was in high school. I'm not sure why but he seemed a little embarrassed that he could play something like this. Especially when he played it so very well at that. I told him that he did lovely and got all blushy. Then I scrunched up my note after that. He didn't exactly make me leave quickly though. But he did stop playing and started telling me about why he played it. That when his Mom was alive, she had encouraged him to play it. And it helped him feel more connected to her. 

Nalin had helped him when his Mom died. But they'd been drifting apart lately. Eloni says that's because of his obsession with the injured merfolk. An obsession that started when I saved him from drowning all those years ago. I'm worried that means he wants to kill my kind or something like that. Or if he knows something about my being a merman or something. Anyway. We spent time talking about this until he took me home. He hugged me before he left as well. Not just some side hug or some quick one. But one that pulled me face first into his shoulder. By the stars did he smell good. He told me goodnight and that he'd see me tomorrow. I only could wave back at him. I hope he wants to go out again. 

Daiyu is now pressing me for details on how the date went. I don't think she's going to let me sleep unless I tell her everything.

This is going to be super fun,


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