Day Twenty

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Day 20

January 21

What has come to pass isn't anything I ever expected to hear about. I can't believe it happened. Nalin. He...he isn't dead. But his entire home is empty. There's been no sign of a struggle even. The house is suspiciously spotless too. Like he just up and packed everything he owned and left town in the middle of the night.

Eloni never knew that he was going to be moving. In fact his house isn't even up for sale even. His landlady was paid but she didn't recall him saying he'd be leaving anytime soon. Also his car was left in the garage and no one saw him leave. No one is sure what to consider this.

It's all so strange.

Eloni is all broken up about it. Daiyu, Chiyaru, Scruffle and I haven't been able to cheer him up. Even Ms Flufflebottom can't get him to smile and she's been purring up a storm. Nothing we can do to get him to cheer up or take his mind off of this. We know that Nalin is his best friend and we doubt that he just left him. Though none of us are sure why Nalin just skipped town like that. After all seems weird. I'm sure he didn't leave willingly. Fuck what's been found.

He would never leave without even a simple fairwell unless something's up. Nalin is far too levelheaded to do something like this on a whim. I shared this with Chiyaru and Daiyu when Eloni was in the kitchen with Ms Flufflebottom and Scruffle.

They both agree with me.

We have no ideas on how to reach him at all. Going to guess that he's basically planned for something like that. Nalin's a clever person. After all before he vanished, he gave Eloni his dog. Antony is at doggy daycare right now.

In unrelated news, Chiyaru said a man was looking for me. He was this tall, fat and pierced man. White haired and wearing punk gear. The man said he wasn't a relative but an old friend of mine and was using the name was Urjita Waghe. Yeah it didn't take much to realize that it was the Seawitch in disguise. Chiyaru didn't feel comfortable telling him where I lived because of how young I am.

I couldn't blame him for not trusting a stranger in all. But the Seawitch isn't too bad of a person ya know? It's not his fault that he's kind of weird with really creepy animal eyes. But he's a good person. Generally a good person at least. So I signed to him as much. Not sure if he actually believes me and he said,"I'll show him here the next time I see him."

"You're really going to do that?",Daiyu asked. She probably was worried that the guy was going to hurt me. Like he was sent by my 'homophobic family' to take me back to them or something. I signed that it was fine and Chiyaru said,"I'm going to make sure that they meet in a public place. Nothing is going to happen."

So I got no say in this? They both looked at me and I signed whether or not they'd let me talk to him alone. That didn't go over too well. Eloni walked in on this along with Scruffle and Ms Flufflebottom. Both of them were on my side and since Ms Flufflebottom is my cat, she's automatically on my side. So it was pretty much four against two on this one. Honestly can't hold a proper conversation with the Seawitch with Chiyaru around. He'd probably scare the poor man off.

Or knowing my luck he'd pobably turn Chiyaru into something in broad daylight. Which really wouldn't be good for either of us. Also if the Seawitch didn't turn him back, I'd be in hot water. With my other friends if they learned about that and Chiyaru himself. I do believe I would lose his respect as well. Anyway that will probably be something that'll either happen tomorrow or sometime this week.

Right now I'm going to be having dinner with everyone.

We all thought it would be for the best that Eloni not eat alone for a while. Daiyu offered to order us something from the cafe she works near. Scruffle offered to make food but no one was brave enough to allow it. Chiyaru isn't in the mood to make food at all. And Eloni doesn't want to use my kitchen for some reason. I think he's worried about making a mess in my place or something like that. So we all agreed to order from this fast food place that has a lot of sweets. We ordered some bread stuff along with fish,rice and several things of cakes. Along with some drinks that have honey in it and goats milk.

I've seen goats before. Never knew that people would drink milk from a goat before though. Seems kind of weird. Daiyu said that it'll take them about forty-five minutes to be delivered here. So now we're getting some plates out for it and I'm turning on the tv as background noise. Going to keep it low enough so we can still hear the delivery person when they come. Scruffle offered to pay for our dinner and no one protested.

I was low on money, Eloni didn't bring any with him, Daiyu's pay day is tomorrow and Chiyaru doesn't have change.

While we wait, we just watch the TV and there's just this old cop show on. We're all not really paying too much attention to it. I'm really too hungry to care about the damn show. Someone knocks on the door,I grin as Scruffle goes up to the door and lets the delivery person in. They set the food down on the coffee table,gets money from Scruffle and leaves. We are going to be eating now. Can't exactly write properly while I'm eating so I'm going to have to write afterwards.

Be back soon.


Edit: Dinner was going so well you know? Then Eloni got a call from Nalin and ran into the bathroom. He didn't come out for a long while and when he came out he was shaking. What he told us was horrify. Nalin told him that he was going back home and that he was sorry. And he told him to not worry about him cuz he'll be with his family soon.

Eloni said that Nalin is an orphan. His family were killed in a shipwreck no that long ago. So now we're contacting the authorities. I don't know what he's doing but I'm afraid of what it means.

I'm going to help Eloni talk Nalin out of what he's about to do. We're hoping that we're wrong though...I...I doubt it...I will have to write more later.

Edit 2: We all went to the beach to see what was going on and I could only see from the car. Nalin was standing on the cliff near the beach, he was close to the edge. Everyone but me ran out to him and tried to talk him out of it. Even when the authorities arrived they tried.

But...but he jumped into the water. He...didn't...drown. Eloni pulled him out on time. It was the most emotionally charged thing I'd ever seen. Right now I'm home with Ms Flufflebottom and Nalin's in the hospital. He's being treated for umm...I dunno. Bottom line is that he's going to be alright physically. Mentally he's...well...I'm not sure.

I just hope that he'll do well with treatment. Nalin says that he's going to be keeping an eye on him for a while. So I may not see him as often as I'd like to. But hey Nalin comes first. They've been friends for a long time and I don't wanna come between them. Especially after something like this. Tomorrow Daiyu is going to go shopping with me for gifts for Nalin. We'll visit him later in the evening.

Write more later.


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