Day 67

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Day 67

March 8

Dad has brought food here more often then usual. Vegetarian stuff that's really awesome. We've been going to the mermaids for a few days now. I don't know why but I think he's sad about how they're acting. Like he's afraid of what's going wrong with them. Not sure why he's so afraid. They aren't his kin.

I'm guessing it's just empathy for anyone that Dad has. Daiyu thinks that too and so does Scruffle. Eloni just thinks he's worried they'll take up my time or something like that. Nalin isn't as sure as Eloni. Though he thinks my activism is probably worrying him. Nalin thinks my Dad is worried about me being targeted.

By what I'm not sure.

He says that PETA might target me as an abuser. They'll show pictures of Ms Flufflebottom then petition to put her down to use in their ads. No way in fucking hell am I letting them touch her. Those freaks would have to pry my fluffy baby from my cold decaying arms. I'm not giving up this sweetie pie for anything. Not even to stay human.

Eloni, by the way, has wanted to go out on more dates lately. He's also been weirdly physically affectionate. Though he hasn't tried to kiss me or anything like that. But he has been a lot more huggy than usual and has played with my hair. Often braiding it too. Sometimes he even smells my hair when he thinks I don't notice. Openly staring at me when he thinks I'm not watching him Sometimes he'll hold my hand when we're in public and squeeze my fingers gently. Like Eloni's trying to assure himself that I'm real. And that I'm not going anywhere. Seems a bit weird but I'm enjoying it.

Speaking of weird. The Seawitch has kept me updated on Fiyora and everything back home. He said that she's been doing more hunting than usual. Also she seems to be more scared than she was before.

She said she has to fight off bigger mermaids that have been surfacing recently. A few of them have attacked supposedly weaker ones. They've attacked in packs of at least twelve or more. Fiyora said that she was lucky to have gotten away at all. Her arm was injured pretty badly. The Seawitch told me that he had healed her and mostly anyone who came in. So far he's had at least twenty come in with really big gashes and missing limbs. Regrowing those were tough but he managed to do it.

I don't understand. Are they just getting cracked? Or is something turning my kin against themselves? Like what if the humans are doing something to our home that is making us do this? Making us more prone to violence and muscle mass?

What if they've experimented on some of us? Sure that sounds crazy but from what I've seen, humans do this sort of thing all the time. Especially if it's something they don't understand. Though usually this sort of thing happens more often in the States than here. We're more likely to have weird things wash up on shore. Mostly it's nothing short of boring than big time news or anything.

I haven't been able to tell any of my friends and family about this. They'll wonder how I got this information and who Fiyora is. Sure Dad and Daiyu know about the Seawitch. But Eloni,Scruffle and Nalin don't. And they'll pretty annoyed that I hadn't told them about this.

Okay. I gotta go eat before I become more of a nervous wreck than I already am now. Might even start crying or something like that. Dad says that I should avoid being too stressed and it's not good for my health. Also got to feed Ms Flufflebottom before she starts breaking my stuff.

Also I think she's going to try eating my feet.

Write more later.


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