Day Three

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Day 3

January 5

I wouldn't say that today has been completely awful. But it could be going a whole lot better. Chiyaru has brought over several pamphlets from aquariums. And only three of them seem to have had any experience taking care of creatures like them. Which isn't very promising in my book. I can't leave my own kind in the care of those who won't put in the effort. Also, not a lot of them know what we eat. Nor do they have the budget for it. While some are just too small to be able to take them in. And the only one that seems adequate is very far away. It's in China and I know they'll get treated well there. But I want to be close to my own kind.

The wheelchair that I'm in won't handle sand. Unfortunately, visiting the beach isn't in the cards for now. So, if I can't visit those other mermaids...well, I'll feel even more homesick than I do now. It'd be lovely to see others of my kind. Hear their voices as they sing as well. Our songs are so much better when we're not sick. Though unlike legends, we can't make someone crash on the rocks. No one can sing that beautifully nor would we want to harm humans. Or our home either. Besides if we killed humans, who would be our audience? Animals?

I'm getting way off track. So anyway, Chiyaru told me that Nalin was coming to check out a place today. Also, he'll be here in about an hour or so. And Nalin told me everything about this hotel. That it's called 'The Whispering Rose'. He also said it was set up in 2035 for kids and adults who have either suffered abuse or were homeless. That there are several places like this around the city. But this was the oldest and still had places to rent out. I was surprised how nice and warm it was. As well as how good it smelled. Though I couldn't figure out what it was at first. My neighbor from across the hall came out with flowers.

Apparently, they were what roses are. It's strange getting to see things like this up close. The neighbor lady gave me a few. Telling me that they'd help brighten up my room. And that she was pleased to meet me. She seems so nice. Her name is, Daiyu Lao. And she's really talkative too. Told me about the best places to have fun in the city. What's the best types of foods as well as how to order them. As well as the cheapest options that won't make me sick. Daiyu even said that she'll help me with learning sign language. Chiyaru was really happy when I 'told' him about her.

Daiyu is also really cool when it comes to clothes. They're so bright but also scary. She says her style is something called pastel punk. Reminds me of how the Seawitch dresses a little. But it's a whole lot nicer. Her outfit consists of bright pinks, greens and blues. There's some black in it but I feel it's a good balance. Daiyu also wears these cute little starry yellow flowers in her hair. They kind of remind me of starfish.

I wonder if she'll help me get clothes like that if I ask her nicely. This place has given me an allowance of money so I can buy things I that I need. As of now, I don't have lots of clothes. Or even shoes. Even though I don't walk it probably would be wise to have them. Also, I'd feel a bit silly going to places in an outfit with no shoes on.  Chiyaru told me that I should be more focused on my legs, health and finding my family. He's been wondering why no one has come looking for me. He's also been asking if I even remember where they could possibly be. I don't know how to tell him that they're merfolk. That I used to be a merman until a few days ago. Mostly because I'm worried, he'd think I wasn't right in the head. Someone's knocking on the door right now. I'll let them in since Chiyaru is busy contacting the hospital. He's a little disappointed in me since I won't talk about my family.

Be back in a little bit.

Okay. Nalin is back and he seems pretty nervous. You know what? I've never noticed that he had curly hair before. Or that scar on his over his right eye either. Which looks kind of foggy too. Like he might have vision problems. Guess I was a little too woozy from the spell to notice. Right now, he's talking to Chiyaru about my legs. I can't really make out what they're saying in the other room at all. Oh well at least he's here. I've been wanting to thank him for helping me and all that.

He and Chiyaru are coming back. Nalin looks even more upset than before for some reason. I wonder what Chiyaru told him. And why did it upset him so much? He's coming over. Gotta put down my journal for a second, so I don't look like a big jerk.

Um, he just hugged me. Very tightly too. It really kind of hurt. That doesn't seem, he's told me that he wanted to help with the merfolk. Also, he's heard of a decent aquarium that's nearby that could take them in. We'll be checking it tomorrow since today it's closed. I'll have hopefully found a place for my kind to properly rest in until they're healed.

Can hardly wait to see what the place is like either! Oh. He has some news about my kind's conditions. It seems like it's not going to be good judging by that look on his face. I'm worried that they're either getting sicker or not being fed right. Maybe they're being moved already? I really hope they're okay. I don't think I can handle knowing if something's super wrong with them.

Write more later.



Several of...several of my kind in that horrible aquarium have died today. Mostly from severe malnutrition and poor living conditions. There just four of them now. And they're being taken by the 'Humane Society' to be treated until a proper place can take them. I'm hoping the place that Nalin was telling me about will take them in. It sounds like it would be big enough and they've had some experience with my kind. Please let them be taken in by that place. Oh please...

He also told me that they're going to be burning the bodies of my kind. That they'll be giving them each a proper funeral. A proper human funeral. Our culture dictates that the body be free to float through the ocean to feed others. Not be turned to ash and give life to no one else. That's just barbaric! I can't tell them that though. They'll wonder how I know so much about mermaids. I can't tell them that they're not properly treating the bodies.

I can't believe this disgrace. At least Fiyora won't find out anytime soon. She'd be so heartbroken. And that's just too much to bear, I'll write later. The funeral is in a week, and I'll need to prepare at least a small feast in their honor.

Goodbye for now.


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