Day 24

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Day 24

January 25

Today has been a pretty good day. Got dressed really nicely and I made sure that I was bathed well. I got the job. I got the job!

Dad is so proud of me for getting my first job. He gave me a huge hug before he left for work. I'm going to be starting next week at the same time that Daiyu works. She says that she's going to be bringing me to work so I don't have to take a bus. And from what I've seen on the days that I've gotten outside, I'm glad. They look like they wouldn't be much fun to ride and I wouldn't know anybody. Also she says that bus rides are 'hella' expensive even for a short distance. Kind of glad that I have a friend like her.

I'm going to have to make her something for all the stuff she does for me. I mean I got a lot of stuff here. Plenty of stuff to make snacks for her. Eloni could probably use a little too. He's been so distant lately and I'm worried about him. From what I heard, Nalin is doing really well. Not ready to leave just yet but getting there. Maybe in a few months.

More if he needs to. Nalin isn't much for sweets though and he's told us as much. I'm going to be making him a quilt with Daiyu and Scruffle's help. I think he'd appreciate the quilt. Really hoping that he'll want that. Feel really bad for not visiting him lately. I even promised I would but I think Eloni and him need time together. After all they're really good friends and I think they deserve to be alone. Wonder what color scheme I should make for that. Cuz I'm not sure what he likes. Been thinking of going with reds, purples and some blues.

Or maybe going with some yellows and greens.

Anything that'll make him feel like he's still cared for. That me and Daiyu haven't forgotten that he exists. You know. Just try to give him something that he deserves. I should probably make something for Eloni too.

Oh. And I umm...I'm. I think someone's comming me right now. Okay then. I'll be back in a few minutes. It's probably just...I don't know that number. It's going to be a few minutes so I'll be back soon.

~(Half an hour later)~ that was the Seawitch. He's found my comm so easily. I. Oh fuck.

I forgot to ask Dad about the meeting. And he's coming to see me in three days to see how I'm doing. That's kind of got me nervous. I still got a long while before I possibly turn to foam. So what No. I am not going to get nervous about all of this. It's probably not going to be too awful. After all he's a pretty decent person and he's just not out to harm me. The guy isn't an evil cliche villain.

He'll be coming over to my place and I think he plans on taking a taxi. I'd offer to give him a ride or get him a ride from Daiyu but I don't wanna ask her for more stuff. Feel like I already ask her for too much.

Ms Flufflebottom is playing with her new scratching post and I think she's really loving it. It's so good to see her playing with the thing. And I'm sure that Dad'll be happy to know she's enjoying it. In a little bit I'm going to start on this bread recipe that's vegan. Daiyu says she wants to give it a shot and I'm not sure what I'll put into it. Maybe some raisins with cinnamon or I dunno. It will be really delicious either way. Um hopefully it will be delicous. I don't have a whole lot of faith in my baking abilities. Though I guess I gotta try ya know.

No harm in that,right?


Anyway I got all the things I need for this right here. Putting some of the stuff into a bowl right now. It's really starting to be fun. Didn't think that making bread would be so stress relieving like this. I got it mixed it up with these stuff that Dad helped me buy. The wooden spoon feels a little weird in my hands and I think the bowl is made of metal. But it looks like it's made out of plastic. I should probably stop describing stuff and get to the actual baking like I planned on doing.

Okay. I've gotten everything mixed up like I wanted to and I put it into the pans right now. Thankfully I got the oven heated up and put them in. The little timer that I got from someone in the building is set. So right now I'm just going to veg out and start thinking of what else to do today. Maybe I'll comm Eloni. See if he would like the second nut bread that I'm not going to use for anything. I think he and Nalin would like that.

Think I still got some of that soy butter stuff that Scruffle brought over. Might put a little in a dish for them. That's if they'd want it. I think they'd want some nut bread. Not sure if they'd want any but hey why not check to make sure?

Hope that neither have food allergies.

Anyway I'm going to be back in a little while. So I'll write later.


Edit: Well Eloni says that he'll pick up a loaf when he has the chance, later. He looked fine but I'm worried that his own mental health. Maybe he needs some time to himself? I know that Nalin means a lot to him but I'm concerned he's not taking care of himself.

Maybe I should suggest that he take some time to himself? But how do I do that without making an ass of myself? Uggh. This is harder than I thought it would. Poor guy means a lot to me. Nalin is a nice guy but he can't depend on Eloni for everything. Kind of like I shouldn't depend on Daiyu, Scruffle or Dad too much.

I better go get washed up and redressed. It isn't easy but I don't want Eloni seeing me covered in flour or other junk. I really hope that he'll stay for a little while.

Write more later.


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