Day 48

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Day 48

February 17

I visited the merfolks early this morning. They seemed a little sad but I think they're fine though. The youngling I met before has been fine. She's been responding pretty well to treatment lately and has been really great. I've noticed that she's swimming with much more ease. Her fins look a lot less painful as well. Not sure I like how they've renamed her though. People here have given new names to the merfolks. Like they were pets or something like that. None of them fit any of them. Peanut, Cherry, Mabel...ughh...the name the youngling had been given something weird though.


For some reason this name just kind of seems odd even for humans.


Not understanding just why they picked that name but oh well. Humans a weird bunch. Anyway they seem to be doing well for themselves and I've noticed humans seem to like interacting with them. Especially human younglings. Each human youngling coming around here has made cute little noises at them. Then these cute little faces at them that my kind mimic.

Oh human younglings are just so precious. Too bad they grow up so damn annoying. Such a shame.

I've hung out with Daiyu as well as Scruffle. He's been helping me sign more than Daiyu can. In fact it's been pretty cool learning more words than what Daiyu taught me. It's taking a while to get a real hang on but I do like knowing more things. I'm researching more things too by the way. Like places,events and how to make foods too. Been really liking human food too by the way. I've never eaten food that's been cooked like this before in my whole life.

Human foods are so interesting. Well some of it is anyway. There's some foods that I ain't interested in. Most of its due to flavor, texture and smell. Like these peppers that Daiyu tried to feed me one time. They were too squishy and their flavor was kind of disgusting.

Not something I wanna try again.

Or like this candy I bought at this store that Eloni took me too. It was sour as hell and hurt my mouth. Kind of did something to the skin in my mouth that wasn't fun. But Dad said that it wasn't anything serious so I just decided not to eat sour candy. After all it wasn't pleasant to eat or anything like that.

So I decided to just eat dark chocolate instead.

And I've tried to make this type of food that's called umm...I don't know. It's not baking honestly. A sub sandwich is what it's called. I'm pretty sure. Though it's pretty easy to put together.

Not a lot of clean up.

But there is a cat begging for some of it though. She's been sitting here for the last half hour with this cute look on her face. Ms Flufflebottom is such a little glutton. Anyway,I'm going to feed her. Then feed my face after her.

Be back in a few minutes.


Edit: Okay.

Ms Flufflebottom has been fed. I'm fed. Now All I'm doing tonight is probably hang out in my pajamas and watch old horror movies. Maybe even have some banana nut bread.

Gee ain't I a rebel?


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