Day 134

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Day 134

May 14

Dad convinced me to speak with Daiyu. How I was behaving towards her was really over the top and extremely childish. I was being the proper amount of angry. She needs to understand that I ain't a fucking child. That I'm old enough to make my own decisions with my body.

For fucks sake, I can live by myself and take care of myself.

Either way, she's coming over tonight to discuss this like grown ups. Which I should try to act like since I am one. But it's still hard to accept that people are treating me like this. I get the feeling that humans in my position shouldn't have to. Especially when it comes from someone you know and love like family. Treating me like some kind of infant because you "care" isn't a good enough reason.

Maybe I should move onto the movie night thing with Dad. Which turned out better than I anticipated it would. Those old timey American movies were hilarious. The acting, those hideous clothes and predictable plot. Made for a perfect night in.

Like this one old movie that was horror based. It was pretty suspenseful for such a dinosaur of a film. The movie was called umm..."You're Next". And I ain't going to spill the...wait. Why am I keeping the ending a secret when no one reads my journal other than me? That's kind of weird. So okay get this. The end of the movie involves the brothers being behind an ordered hit. But the girlfriend of one of them kills the hitmen they hired, them and the other brother's girlfriend.

It was so awesome!

We might be watching some older movies next. This old suspenseful story called "Shutter Island" with Leonardo DiCaprio. Dad said he didn't get an Oscar for that. But in his sixties he managed to get one for this role. He couldn't remember the movie but he said it was lovely. Well. Anyways. The movie from what I read on it's review was it was about a detective. One who was doing an investigation on this asylum on an island. Then a storm comes and slowly things aren't what they seem.

It seems really right up my alley.

Oh. Daiyu is coming over now. We're going to be making dinner and Dad said she wants to talk. Who wants to guess that she expects to get an apology out of me? After all. I'm supposedly the nasty evil person who treated her shitty.

I doubt that I'm going to be writing after this dinner. So most likely I will be writing tomorrow. And I really hope I won't be too pissed to do so.

Write more later,


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