Part 1

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Walking down the hall, I saw all the familiar faces. The girls who never talked, the wannabes, the jocks, the cheerleaders, everyone. Except the three guys that always seemed to find me, no matter where I was. Maybe they dropped out. Nope, there they were. Guess this wasn't my lucky day after all.

I only knew one of them, John. We used to be best friends before he got to know the other two. I didn't even know the names of the other two guys, and I didn't want to. I think one of them, the one with the blue eyes was in John's class, but the other one was a year older I think. And of course the hottest one was the worst. Not that I cared. But he did have some beautiful blue eyes.

Okay, so maybe I did care a tiny bit, or a lot. It wouldn't have been a big deal if they just stopped being mean. They had been bullying me for almost two years now and I could hardly stand it anymore.

My life hasn't been doing me a favour for the past three years, and I had my scars as proof. My life used to be perfect, until the accident. When I was fourteen, my mom and dad decided that the whole family would drive to New York. We hardly got past the neighbourhood before a car hit us. Both my two-years-older sister, and my mom, died instantly. So that left me and my dad alone. My dad didn't handle the whole situation very well. I always knew that I wasn't his favorite daughter, but he never made it that noticeable until that day. Now he won't let me forget that he lost the two girls he loved, and was now stuck with me. Of course he took it mostly out on himself by drinking, every single day. After that, John was the only person who I could talk to about anything. I had other friends of course, but they didn't get me the way that he did. But when John met the other guys and stopped hanging with me, my other friends started to fade as well. The bullying didn't start right away, but I kinda felt that something was wrong. Judging by the looks everyone gave me, it wasn't hard to tell that something was up.

Now, three years later, all my friends had left me, stood me up. They all said that they only used me to get closer to John, who by the way wasn't bad looking. The only pride I had left was that I could say that me and him used to be best friends. And I was smart, not that anyone cared about that. If you were smart, you were a nerd, aka a loser.

As I saw the three guys getting closer to me, I felt my phone vibrating. It was a message from my dad saying that a woman called and said she needed a tutor for her seventeen year old son. Knowing my dad, I already knew that he had said yes without asking me. He was the one who forced me to do it in the first place. To "Be useful for once" as he called it.

He gave me the address and said that I had to be there at four, when I had football practise. Great, guess I just have to skip that.

Turning around, I felt cold liquid running down my shirt. I looked up and saw my ex best friend laughing at me. I gave him a glare before running to the toilet. Getting used to this, I always had spare clothes in my bag just in case. I got out of my blue shirt and pulled a blue jumper on.

I got through the rest of the day without getting too embarrassed. They had gone easy on me today. Only a wet shirt, a slap, and a few comments.

I walked home with my head hanging low as I heard someone screaming my name from behind. I turned around and saw John and one of the guys in a car, before I got a flying Starbucks all over me. Not again.

The clock was already three thirty and I was getting ready to go tutor whoever I was tutoring. I wore a black non sleeved shirt, a pair of blue jeans and a whole bunch of bracelets to cover the scars on my arms. Nobody had ever seen them, and I wasn't planning on showing anyone. It still stung a bit touching the fresh once, but I was getting used to it.

I knocked on the door at the house where I was tutoring. My heart raced as I saw a shadow in the window next to the door.

"Hi! You must be (Y/N), I'm Elizabeth." The lady gave me a warm smile as she shook my hand. As I walked into the house I could smell pizza which was probably what they ate for dinner. Elizabeth walked me over to the living room and pointed at the couch. My whole body froze. I felt tears of fear was forcing themselves out as my mouth opened slightly.

"This is my son, Nash."

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