Part 4

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I looked at him, trying to figure out what that expression meant.

“When did you guys break up, if I'm allowed to ask?” I was really just trying to be nice. I mean, today probably wasn't the last time I had to tutor him, so might as well try being friendly.

“Non of your damn business bitch!”

“Wow, the bitch thing today man, everyone says it.” He gave me a confused look before he tried to shut the door. I placed my foot between the door and the door frame. Just like they always do in movies. Didn't know it hurt that much though. I just played cool, pretending like I didn't just cut my foot off.

“I forgot my charger here.” He didn't say anything before walking over to the kitchen table to get my charger. I didn't realize until now that he was shirtless. How the hell did I not notice those abs?!

“You're really weird.” He looked at me like I was some sort of creature that you would poke with a stick to see if I moved. I don't really know why he said that to me, but all since I was little, weird has been a compliment to me. So of course I pretended like he had just given me a compliment.

“Well thank you so much, I would have to say the same thing about you.”

I gave him a tiny smile before walking out the door. I have no idea why, but I felt a lot more powerful now, than when I wasn't his tutor. Okay maybe I did know why, I mean, this was kinda him admitting to me that he needed my help. I liked it.

“(Y/N)!” I turned around and found the shirtless boy running after me. In movies, this is the scene where we kiss, but in reality, I think he was about to punch me in the face.

“Mom said that you should come over tomorrow, have dinner and you know, do your 'job' if it was okay for you. Please say it isn't.” I nodded and told him I would be there. Honestly I had practise tomorrow as well, but I really wanted to be there just to piss Nash off. And football wasn't even that funny. I was more into almost every other sport, but football. And not to brag or anything, but I was quite good at most sports. Not that anyone noticed since I never play any sports except football.

I got home and saw a way to familiar car in the driveway. I quickly got out of my car and ran into my house finding my aunt sitting in the living room.

“Aunt Jess!” She got up from her chair and gave me a warm hug.

“BABY!” She let go of me and looked me in the eyes with a sad expression.

“You okay?”

“Yeah, he isn't dead, so I'm fine.” I smiled at her.

“I don't mean you dad. Are you okay at school? who are the bullies?”

My aunt was the only person that knew about the bullying and the scars and everything. She always made me feel better, and she knew what was best for me. She always made me feel safe no matter what. I hadn't seen her for one and a half year, so she had missed a lot.

“Nash, one other guy and John.” I whispered the last part not wanting her to remember him.

“What did you just say! Did you just say John?” I just nodded feeling a tear forming in my eye.

“John as in John, you best friend John?”

“Yeah. That John. And he's not my friend anymore.” I looked down at the ground feeling ashamed of the whole situation.

“I am going to kill that monster.” I laughed a bit at her statement, but soon noticed that she looked very serious.

“Lets invite him over right now!”

“Aunt Jess, it's late, and I really don't think seeing him would make this any better.” She smiled weakly at me and rubbed my back.

“Yeah, you're probably right. How about tomorrow?” I mentally face palmed. What did I just say about seeing him?

“Sorry I don't have time tomorrow.” I wasn't lying. I really didn't have the time.

“Where are you going?” I figured lying wasn't going to work with this woman, so better just tell the truth.

“I'm having dinner with Nash's family.” I have never seen bigger and more shocked eyes in my whole entire life. Maybe lying would have worked better.

I explained the whole thing for her as we sat down around the kitchen table to have our famous 'Aunt/Niece' talks that we always had when we met.

“Wait, so you're his tutor, and he bullies you?” I just nod, not wanting to talk more about it.

“Shouldn't it be the other way around or something?” I chuckled a bit before standing up and going to bed. It had been a really long day so a good night sleep wouldn't kill me.

I threw myself down on the bed and put my long, brown, wavy hair in a ponytail before pulling the covers over me.

Maybe aunt Jess was right. Things should be the other way around. Before I fell asleep I had figured out exactly what I was going to do tomorrow. And it wouldn't end pretty.

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