Part 21

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"What?" He was now standing in front of me with his back facing Diana.

"You have to come!" He folded his hands begging me to say yes. He saw my questioning look and sighed.

"Okay, look. My grades aren't really on top at the moment and Magcon is this weekend. And the only chance I have of being allowed to go is if you join me and 'tutor' me or whatever."

"No wa-" I was about to tell him off when I saw Diana nodding her head like crazy telling me to say yes.

"I mean, sure." Nash' eyes widened and a smile formed on his lips.

"I'll make my mom call your parents or whatever later today." He was about to leave before I grabbed his hand.

"Em, can you just make her call me instead?" He looked at me like he was trying to read my facial expression. Nash didn't know about my mom passing away and neither did his mom. I really didn't feel like explaining it all now. He just nodded and walked away. Diana smirked at me before clapping her hands.

"This is perfect!" I nodded trying to convince her that I agreed. I knew this was the perfect opportunity to get all the pictures of me and him together, but why did I have such a bad feeling about it? The bell rang, letting us all know that it was time for out last class for today.

As I walked home from school I called aunt Jess to ask her about Magcon and if she was okay with me going. She told me she had to talk to Elizabeth and plan things out, but other than that is was okay. When Elizabeth called me, I asked her if it was okay if she, Jess and I got together and talked about it today. She agreed and invited us over to her place.

Aunt Jess came over to my place and we walked together to the Grier's house. She hadn't been herself lately and it got me worried. We didn't talk at all on the way over to their house, and talking was something we always used to do. She would ask me about my day, and mess around with me, and tease me if there was a boy I liked. But now, it was just silence between us. Had something happened?

Elizabeth opened the door after just a few knocks. She gestured us to come in and sit down by the kitchen table. Nash was already at the table, doing something on his phone. He looked up at me and gave me a quick smile before facing his phone again. It was quiet for about a minute before Elizabeth started asking aunt Jess questions about her car. Apparently Elizabeth used to own one just like that, but some drunk guy smashed into it and the damage was so widespread that it was easier to buy a new car. I didn't pay attention and zoned out, thinking about how I could get pictures of me and Nash that were good enough to use. Right now I was thinking about renting a 'paparazzi' to take all the photos or hiding a camera and filming us everywhere. But if I rented a paparazzi, I had to pay a lot, and it would be difficult to get the pictures secretly. If I filmed it, I could just screenshot from it.

"Is that okay for you (Y/N)?" I looked up only to find all eyes on me.

"Sorry, what?" I felt my face getting warmer and I knew I was blushing. Elizabeth just laughed.

"We were asking you if it was okay for you to leave on Wednesday." I nodded happily. Of course I would say yes to getting a few days off. After a bit more talking, we said our goodbyes and left.

We were leaving for New York on Wednesday morning. Elizabeth had already told Bart, who apparently was the leader or something, that I was coming with them, and made him order an extra hotel room. The event started on Thursday at one and sound-check was at ten, but I didn't have to attend to that. I had to tutor Nash at least one hour a day, and maybe even more. I would join the guys wherever they were going, and I had to follow their schedule, except from the sound-check. The plane left 9:30am on Wednesday and we left on Monday morning at 7am. I just had to back normal clothes and stuff like that, plus my French, English, and maths book.

The walk back home was just as quiet as earlier today, before aunt Jess coughed.

"I am really sorry (Y/N)." She sounded sad, like she was about to cry.

"For what?"

"For making you go to that this with that guy." A tear rolled down her face but she quickly wiped it away.

"You didn't make me! I want to go, it'll be fun, and I get three days off!" She gave me a weak smile before facing the ground again.

"But I know he hurt you and I don't want that to happen again. If I could, I would beat the living shit out of him." I chuckled, but stopped when I saw the seriousness in her eyes. I felt so sorry for her. I knew my aunt better than I knew myself and I knew I could trust her one hundred percent. I know I promised myself to not tell anyone, but it seemed like she needed to hear something like this.

"Would it make you feel better if I told you that I am getting revenge on him?" Her face lit up. I knew she would feel better. She isn't like most grown-ups. If I told my mom or dad, they would say that it was not the way to handle the situation, and I knew it wasn't. But I wanted to do it no matter what. And if any person would understand, and maybe even help me, it would be Jess.

I explained the whole thing to her and she listened to every single bit. And for the first time in a while, she was actually smiling. For you, this might sound terrible. The only way to get a grown-up to smile, is to tell them about you plan to ruin someone's life. But at the moment I really didn't care why she was so happy, as long as she was smiling, it was okay.

"You guys are smart, but not smart enough." We had been sitting on the couch for about an hour now, discussing the situation. I gave her a questioning look.

"It's smart to get him through his career and fame. But through love is way smarter." I was so confused. She just smirked before opening her mouth again.

"Make him fall for you."

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