Part 43

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It is here! I am so so so sorry for not writing for an entire month. I don't really have an excuse either, other than that I wasn't feeling like writing. And if I force myself to write, it would have turned into crap. But enough about that, here it is. Hope you llike it :D

Getting ready for school has never been a fun thing to do, I mean, let's face it. You have to wake up early, eat breakfast even though it is way to early to consume anything but cookies, then you have to get dressed in uncomfortable clothes because it is “wrong” to show up in your pajamas. And to top it all, you have to put all the cosmetic products you can find, on your face because if you don't, you'll look like a dead fish. And all this just to sit in front of a desk for seven hours?

But as I was standing in front of the mirror, trying to put on eyeliner, I didn't really mind all the hard work at 7am. Because I had a boyfriend. And not just any boy at that. No, my boyfriend was Nash. The most amazing, loving and caring guy you could ever meet. And I get to call him mine! I have heard people on twitter are going crazy as well. And by “heard” I mean, I kinda got my own twitter just to see what they were saying about me. I mean c'mon! They can tell me if my clothes looked weird one day. Can you blame me? I am not into fashion, so they are a huge help for me. And let's just pretend that that is the only reason way I made that account. Fashion, nothing else. Just fashion.

As I made my way to school, Diana came next to me from nowhere. And it is weird, because I don't thinks she lives in this area, at all. You know how when people are mad, they look quite scary and the second they pretend to be happy, they are just terrifying? Yep, that was Diana right now. She looked like a ticking time-bomb ready to blow any second. And her target seemed to be me.

“So I see you're walking to school, huh?” Her eyes were burning into the side of my head, and to be honest, I was scared to even open my mouth. So I didn't, I just nodded instead of telling her what a stupid question that was. I mean, duh.

“Must be hard knowing that so many people in the world hates you now.” Okay, subject change? As I said, I did make a twitter account, and quite a few of the comments are mean, but most of them aren't. But I don't really care, seeing that deep inside, they're just jealous. And again, I don't open my mouth.

“And to think it is all because of your boyfriend.” At this point I had my earphones in, listening to Ed Sheeran instead of her babbling. Why listen to her when you can listen to the sound of an angel.

As we walked in the halls, everyone was staring again. Like, really, get over it already. But when I looked back at them, I noticed that their stares where different. They weren't questioning stares, but giggly and excited stares. Like they knew something I didn't, and it freaked me out. People started waving, and let's not forget the comments. 'You look great', 'Your hair is perfect', 'god I wish I was you'. Maybe it was all for Diana? I mean, she was walking right next to me. No they are all definitely staring at me, no doubt about it. What was going on?

Deciding to just ignore it, since apparently no one was planning on telling me anything, I walked to my locker and got my books. Diana was still following me even though her locker wasn't even near mine. Our first class was maths, and as I made my way to the classroom, I remembered the homework we had due today. Good thing you didn't do it (Y/N)! Really smart.

“HIIII!” A way to familiar voice yelled as we walked inside the classroom. A smile formed on my lips as I saw Nash sitting in the very corner of the room. In his hand he was holding a huge heart-shaped balloon and in the other hand was a box of chocolate. I was in complete shock, with my mouth ajar as all the students raced into the classroom, wanting to see the whole thing. I looked around to find at least 30 students standing there with huge smiles on their faces. Kinda looked like a proposal if you asked me. But right next to me, stood Diana. Her eyes were focused on Nash, gritting her teeth, slightly flaring her nose, she had never looked more furious. More... jealous?

“What's all this?” I asked Nash as he slowly made his way towards me. He just smiled even wider, until he was right in front of me. He put down the box of chocolate, and gave the balloon to me.

“I just wanted to let you know how much you mean to me.” Although this was the sweetest thing someone had ever done for me, I was still slightly confused.

“(Y/N), I have done the worst thinkable things to you in your life. Made your life harder than it had to be. Now knowing your story about your family, I can see that you are the strongest girl I have ever met.” This is a proposal isn't it? A few tears managed to force themselves out as he talked. He lifted up his hand and brushed them off, before he continued.

“I was the biggest jerk ever, and regardless of all that, you still said yes to tutoring me. And let me tel you, the grades are going up!” A giggle escaped my mouth just like it did to everyone else in the room. Except from Diana.

“No matter how terrible I was, you still helped me. You still decided to go on tour with me. And you still decided to give me a second chance. And for that I am the happiest guy in this school! You need to know this. I really hope you understand how much you truly mean to me, because I would be one hell of a mess without you!” A huge grin was formed on my lips together with the happy tears on my cheeks. As if my life was depending on it, I embraced Nash in the biggest hug I had ever given anyone. My head was buried in his chest as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

“You mean the world to me too.” I whispered in his ear. Everyone around us were clapping and whistling like crazy. As the show was over, people slowly made their way into the hall to get to their classes which started in two minutes.

The classroom was empty, except from me, Nash and Diana, as I let go of Nash. We stood there just looking at each other, smiling. I couldn't be happier as I looked into the most beautiful blue eyes.

“She made you fall for her just to dump you as a revenge on you for being so mean to her.” I quickly turned my head to face Diana, who was now smirking like the evil witch she was.

“And I can prove it.”


Okay, so that was it... hope you enjoyed it! 
Now onto some kinda sad news. The story is comming to and end, with only a few chapters left.
And let me just thank you all so much for reading this story! It means the world to me.

I really want to dedicate this chapter to a person who makes me laugh so much with her super funny and cute comments on this story! And how on chapter 29 you just went for it!:D Kinda love you! <3

All your comments mean the world to me! And so does you voting! Even though it might be a normal, not so important, click for you, it truly means so so so much to me!

I will update as soon as I can! Love you all! <3

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