Part 11

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I woke up the next day glad it was Friday. Today was Nash's French test, and I don't know why, but I was kinda nervous. How stupid is that, I shouldn't care about him at all.

My aunt was coming to visit today. She wanted to be here early tomorrow since she invited John over, so she decided to stay the night. I don't know when she was coming but I was hoping while I was at school. Whenever I got home from school and she was there, she had always made something delicious to eat. Cookies, cake, anything really.

I wanted to be a bit daring today so I got dressed in a cute floral dress, a cardigan and a pair of black converse. Converse are the best type of shoes ever! I've got like ten pairs, so I had a lot to choose between. I braided my hair in a side braid and topped it off with a little bow and put my sunglasses on. I grabbed my bag and walked out with a croissant in my hand.

My make-up was natural. My bruise was covered up so nobody would ask. And with 'nobody' I mean the teachers, since they might be the only ones who care a tiny bit. I had a bit of mascara on and some blusher.

As I walked to school a car drove past me and I heard whistling in my direction. I smiled to myself. No one has ever done that before. I admit I kinda liked it. I was so used to getting negative attention, but this time I at least felt like it was positive.

When I opened the door, I saw a few of the girls giving me ugly glares. I already regretting putting this outfit on. My legs probably looked terrible and gross.

Looking up again I noticed that nobody was staring at me anymore. I felt relieved. I realized now that it was better that no one cared, than everyone cared in the wrong way.

I looked to my right and saw them. Even Nash. After that talk we had yesterday. I guess he really was two faced. They made their way over and was now standing by my locker.

“What do you want?” My eyes met Nash's but I quickly looked away.

“We just wanted to tell you that you look absolutely terrible in that dress.” I felt a knot in my stomach and I wanted to throw up.

“And your face doesn't really make it any better to be honest.” I turned to my locker pretending not to care, when I really was hiding my tears.

“Stop.” Nash's familiar voice spoke.

“What the frick are you doing Nash?” It was like John was reading my mind.

“Just stop, okay?”

“What? Are you just going to defend her all of a sudden?” Luke said laughing.

“No! Just.. Just stop it!” He said before pulling them both away from my locker. I was shocked. Maybe not so two faced anymore, huh. Nash looked back at me, and I forced a tiny smile at him.

I walked into my maths class I tiny bit late. The only open seat was next to Nash. This could be interesting. I sat down and got my books out.

“You're late young lady.” Our teacher said as he pulled his glasses further out on his nose tip. I didn't respond.

“Hi.” Nash's voice ringed in my ear. I just faked a smile, not even looking up at him. I didn't want to talk to him at all, so I figured it was best to ignore him.

“What? Not even a thank you?” He chuckled a little before he realized I didn't even smile at his 'funny' comment.

“Thanks.” I said coldly, before focusing on my work again.

“You're welcome.” He said with the same cold tone.

As soon as the class was over I rushed out of the room, trying my best to avoid him. I looked at my phone and saw that I had a message from my aunt. It said that she was at my home now. I smiled, but then remembered it was Friday. I had practise today. Crap.

I texted my coach and said that I wasn't coming today. Before I sent it, I started thinking. Did I really want to play football at all? Was it funny? No and no. I hated football. My dad was the one who pushed me into it. And since he was in a coma, I could do whatever I wanted. I deleted the text and instead I wrote that I was quitting for good. Just a few minutes later, my phone started ringing.


“(Y/N)? This is coach Tim.”

“Yeah, hi.”
“Hi! Um, about that text, why?”

“I just don't want to play anymore.”

“On our team, we don't want any quitters.” His voice was harsh.

“I know, that's why I'm quitting, so you wont have any.” He sighed before responding.

“Well, I hope you know what you are doing, cause you are one of our best players.” I smiled a bit from that comment.

“I know what I'm doing. And thanks.” We said goodbye and hung up. Well that was something.

My next class was English and I had a presentation. I had to stand in front of the whole class talking about a movie. I had chosen Frozen. It was my favourite movie of all time. I know I know, it sounds childish. But I liked it because it was the first disney movie where you were told that you have to be your own hero, and no one needs a man to take care of them.

In real life, I was super shy and hated being around a lot of people, but in school, I had no problem standing in front of my whole class and talk. I don't know why, but I was glad it was like that. It would have sucked if I hated talking in front of my class as much as I hate being in crowded places.

It was my turn. I talked about how the whole movie was based on Norway and Norwegian culture, the effects that were used and why I liked it.

After everyone was done, our teacher took us out one by one and told us our grades. Since I was the third one to hold the presentation, I was the third one to get my grade. The first girl came out with a frown on her face. The boy who was next came out smiling widely. Now it was me. I walked in and saw my teacher sitting on a chair.

“Have a seat.” He said gesturing me to the seat in front of him. I sat down nervous to hear my result.

“You got the highest grade today. A.” He said smiling. I nodded and smiled before walking out. That went surprisingly well.

We were allowed to leave as soon as we had gotten our grade, so of course I left. That was the last period, so I could go home. I walked out of school as I heard someone yelling my name. I recognised the voice. I started walking faster, but I soon felt a hand gripping my wrist. He turned me around and pushed me against a tree. I looked into his eye as he came closer. Our noses were touching. His lips brushed against mine.

What was he doing?

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