Part 30

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The sound-check was over, and Nash was currently trying to figure out a maths problem. Me on the other hand, couldn't seem to get my mind off of everything Nash had said and done these two days. He had been acting so different. And I knew I had said that we had to pretend to be friends, but he made it seem like he wanted more. And a tiny part of me wanted him to. Not because of the whole revenge thing. To be honest I didn't know why really. I knew that I had to make him fall for me, but I didn't want to get my revenge on him anymore. He seemed so sweet and innocent, and I couldn't help but to like it. I had to tell Diana. I had to tell her that I quit. It wasn't what I wanted.

“Is this cor-” He began, but I cut him off.

“Nash can I ask you something?” I asked nervously.

“So I get to tutor you a bit huh? Okay I'm up for that!” He said laughing.

“What are you doing?” He looked at me with a confused expression, before chuckling.

“My maths homework. What did you thing?” He started laughing even more, but soon stopped when he saw that I wasn't joining in.

“I mean, what are you doing with the whole 'us being friends' situation?” He got quiet for a second before speaking up.

“Being your friend?” He didn't seem to catch on.

“You're acting like you want more! Why? Why did you tell me that you wanted more? Why did you tell the guys all those things about me? And why did you tell your mom that you liked having me here?” I said before looking down at my hands. He didn't say anything. We just sat there in silence.

“Because I mean it.” He said after a while. I quickly looked up at him. His eyes made there way to my lips before meeting my eyes again. Before I knew it, he started leaning in. His hand cupping my face. Our face inches apart as his phone started ringing. He didn't seem to care and just kept on getting closer.

“You should get that.” I whispered as our lips slightly brushed against each other. He quickly looked away and grabbed the phone.

“What?” He said into the phone, sounding annoyed.

“We'll be there.” He hung up, and looked at me.

“The event starts in ten.” I nodded and stood up. Was he mad at me?

We rushed down, and walked in, using the back door this time. The guys were sitting in a huge couch, laughing about something. As they saw us, they all waved or said hello. We sat down with them, me being squeezed between Cameron and Aaron. As soon as I sat down, Cameron put his head on my shoulder. Nash was still standing, and I could see him glaring at us before sitting down next to Matt. I got my phone out of my pocket and decided to send a message to Diana.

I'm out. Was all I wrote. It didn't even take a minute before my phone made a noise, letting me know she had answered.

What the hell? Why? At this point, Cameron was looking at my screen, reading the messages.

“What's that?” He said pointing at my message.

“Nothing.” I said before typing another one.

I just don't want to do it any more. I put my phone back in my pocket, making sure Cameron couldn't see her answer, afraid it might relive what it was about.

“What were you supposed to do?” I just shook my head, not wanting him to ask more.

“C'mon, you can tell me!” He said, punching me slightly in my shoulder.

“I just don't want to pull a prank on our teacher.” I said, proud of how I managed to figure out something to say.

“What were you supposed to do?” My eyes widened, and I mentally slapped myself for not thinking this all the way through.

“W-we um- we were going to discuss that later today.” I said, praying for him to believe me.

“Oh, okay.” He said, putting his head back on my shoulder again.

During the event, Diana had called me and told me what a loser I was for bailing on her. We had a huge discussion on why I should or shouldn't do it. She asked me if anything had happened between me and Nash that made me change my mind, but I denied it. Right before she hung up, she yelled into the phone that I was going to regret it. I felt relieved that I didn't have to force him to fall for me or anything. But I was also scared. What if Diana really meant it when she said that I would regret it. It was Diana, she could do anything.

The event didn't last that long today, and was over by 7pm. We all went to McDonald's, not wanting anything fancy for dinner. I shared a table with Cameron, Nash and Matt, since we weren't allowed to put the tables together. Cameron seemed extra tense tonight, and it kinda bothered me. Every time Nash or Matt tried to talk to me, or if I tried to talk to them, Cameron would join in on the conversation. Matt and Nash looked at each other before looking at me with questioning looks. I shrugged carefully, so Cameron wouldn't notice.

“I'm tired, maybe we should get home.” I said, finishing my drink.

“I'll walk you home!” Cameron said quickly.

“We can all walk her home Cameron... She is staying in the same hotel as us, and we're all going home now.” Matt said, trying to hold in his laughter.

“Well I'll follow you to your room.” Cameron said, looking right at me. I just nodded and smiled. What had gotten into him?

As we walked back to the hotel, Cameron wouldn't leave my side. I could hear Matt telling the rest of the guys about Cameron's behaviour. I don't know how, but he managed to say it without Cameron hearing it.

As we got to the hotel, all of the guys, except Cameron, walked into their own rooms. Me and Cameron got to the next floor, and stood by the door.

“Good night. And thanks for following me all the way up here.” I said giggling. He smiled at me and nodded.

“Good night (Y/N).” He said, kissing my cheek.

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