Part 32

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I look up only to find Nash standing there looking more tired than ever. He was wearing a blue pyjamas bottom and a white magcon t-shirt. His hair was a mess, and I had no idea how he was able to look so good in that state.

“Just needed to go for a walk.” He gave me a confused look before slowly nodding.

“So why are you following me?” I said smiling up at him. I was hoping he had forgotten the whole situation that happened during the tutor session.

“Haha you wish (Y/N)! I couldn't sleep.” He said, playfully slapping my arm. Yes, he slapped me, like a girl. I just laughed. I apparently had forgotten. Luckily.

“Care to join me for a walk, since we're both already here?” I asked in my sweetest voice, hoping he would agree. He responded by grinning, and laying a hand on my lower back, leading me outside.

We walked for about twenty minutes before sitting down on a park bench. Considering we were both in our pyjamas, I was glad it wasn't too cold outside. It was just a soft breeze touching my cheek. There weren't a lot of people in the park, which was understandable seeing that it was in the middle of the night, or early in the morning, depending on how you see it. Just a homeless man, and a few drunk girls were in sight.

“Do you always go for a walk in the middle of the night?” Nash asked, chuckling.

“Not always, but sometimes, yeah.” I said shrugging. His chuckling slowly died out as he saw the seriousness in my face.

“Why?” He asked, looking down at me.

“It's not important. So why couldn't you sleep?” I tried to lighten the mood by smiling up at him.

“Just thinking about stuff. Now back to you. Why do you walk around like this in the middle of the night?” I just looked down giggling.

“It's stupid, really.” I responded, trying not to think to much about the dream.

“I'm sure it's not! Now tell me!” He said, turning around so he was facing me.

“It's just – um – I get nightmares.” I looked away, not wanting him to see my tomato red face. Expecting to hear laughter, I was taken by surprise when Nash put an arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer to him.

“What are they about?” He said holding me tight.

“My mom and sister.” I tried to speak calmly, but it wasn't hard to hear the shaking.

“What about them?” Why was he so interested in hearing about my nightmares? And it didn't even sound like he was pretending. It was like he genuinely cared.

“They die.” I whispered, feeling a tear form in my eye. “In a car accident.” I continued.

“When did you start having these dreams?” He said, sounding like a psychologist.

“After the accident.” I said, trying to laugh instead of crying. He pulled me away from him so he could look me in the eyes. I could tell that he wanted me to explain more about the accident.

“My mom and sister died in a car accident when I was 14.” I felt the tear leaving the corner of my eye, making it's way down my cheek and falling down, landing on my leg. He embraced me in a hug again.

“I am so sorry (Y/N), I didn't know.” He said, rubbing my back. I felt his warm hand tracing circles on my lower back.

“It's okay.” I forced out. But I knew I wasn't. I never really talked about the accident, so whenever it was mentioned, it really got to me. A few tears turned into many, and I was soon sitting in Nash's arms, sobbing. I normally hated crying in front of people, but this time it was different. It felt good.

We had been talking for a while. Him still holding me tight. My crying had cut short. We both look up as the sunrise started rising, painting the sky in a mixture of yellow, orange and pink. The colours slightly reflecting in the clear, neon blue ocean. I felt a cool breeze blowing through my hair, making my whole body quiver.

“C'mon let's go, it's getting cold and really late, or early, or.. whatever.” Nash said, letting go of me as he stood up. His arm was around my shoulder all the way back to the hotel. As we got to the hotel, he demanded to follow me up to my floor.

“Thank you.” I said as we reached the door to my room. “For not laughing at me or anything.” He just smiled down at me, grabbing my hand. He started leaning closer to me, until our foreheads collide. His nose brushing mine.

“Please don't reject me this time.” He whispered before pressing his lips to mine. And I exploded inside. I felt it, the butterflies and fireworks in my stomach, the sparks in my whole body, everything. But I didn't move. My whole body was numb. He pulled way and looked at me with a sorrowful look. As he was about to turn around, I grabbed his arm, pulling him closer to me.

“I won't.” Was all I said before linking our lips together again. My arms wrapped around his neck, and his, on my waist, pressing me closer to his body, making no space between us. Our lips moved in sync. My hands found their way to his hair, deepening the kiss.

I pulled our lips apart, our foreheads still touching. We both breathed heavily as we started chuckling. I didn't even know what was so funny about it, but it was. Our eyes met as the laughter died out. He looked all serious, but I could still see his eyes glimmering. I quickly kissed him one more time, making him grin at me, before I opened the door to my room.

“Good night.” I said, still smiling like crazy. Why did he have this affection on me? It's not fair.

“Night beautiful.” He responded, making my whole body tingle.

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