Part 19

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 “Wait, you did what?” I said in between laughing.

Diana was currently telling me about a time she teased a guy, and left him in the shower at a random hotel. I actually liked listening to her, and it was fun having someone to really talk to. After my work out this morning, I went home to take a shower, got ready and met Diana. The guy, who's name apparently was Tom, found it stupid that I got kinda mad due to the whole 'attention whore' situation, so he decided to leave. Well, I didn't like him either!

After listening to Diana, telling me the whole story over again, we figured it was about time to start planning out the revenge on Nash. I wouldn't say I'm the most creative person alive, so to come up with something was kinda hard. I honestly had no idea what to do.

“What if we make him believe that he cheated?” She said excited. That could actually work. I mean, I don't know how to make it look like he did, but if we managed to do it, it could turn out pretty bad. I nodded slowly, trying to think of a good way to make that happen.

“Well how do we do that?” She turned around to face her whole body towards me. She placed her hands on my shoulders.

“You have to do a lot of snooping around! And you HAVE to become his friend again!” I shook my head no.

“We were never friends in the first place, how am I supposed to do that?” She shrugged.

“You just have to do it.” She pulled a red lipstick out of her bag and started putting it all over her lips. How was I supposed to befriend Nash? I was already feeling nervous. Why did I have to do the hard work?

“But what will me being friends with him, help us in this situation?” I asked her, still not knowing if I wanted to go through with it.

“If you guys are friends, you can get a whole lot of photos of him doing random stuff, and others might take photos of you two together.” She pointed at herself while saying 'others'.

“So you want people to think that we are a couple?” She just nodded, but I still didn't quite get it.

“Ugh, you're so stupid (Y/N)!” She said laughing.

“We get people to think that you guys are dating, while you get photos to 'prove' that he is cheating on you. For instance, get a whole lot of photos of him hanging out with other girls! You know he flirts a lot!” She said, obviously proud of her plan. I had to admit, it was a good plan. And it could work, so I might as well give it a try.

“Okay, I'll try.” I said a bit unsure, but with a smile on my face. Diana clapped her hands slightly and laughed.

“Omg, this'll be so much fun (Y/N)!” She embraced me in a hug. I hesitated for a second before hugging her back.

“Yeah, I guess.” She grabbed my arm, and started dragging me somewhere. I had no idea where we were going, but I kept on running, following straight behind Diana. After a few minutes of running, almost getting hit by a car and being chased by a dog, we were now standing in front of a huge, white house.

“C'mon!” She said as she grabbed my hand again, and pulled me inside.

“Welcome to my crib!” She said, sounding like she was in some TV-show on MTV. To call the house huge was an understatement, this house was humongous. We walked into the orange ish coloured hallway, before getting into a huge kitchen. She opened the freezer and grabbed two ice creams and tossed me one. It was Ben & Jerry's, cookie dough flavoured, my favourite.

I followed her as she walked up some stairs which apparently lead to her bedroom. She opened the door and I was facing a room bigger than my house. On the left side there was a huge bookshelf filled with books in all sizes. It really surprised me, in a good way of course. To the right there was a desk with a Mac standing on it. Besides the desk, there was a door, marked 'Bathroom'. She had her own bathroom? Wow.

In the middle of the room, there was a king-size bed with at least twenty pillows.

She walked over to her desk and picked up her mac before sitting down on her bed, motioning me to sit down as well. I saw she was currently on twitter, but she went offline. She then clicked on the 'sign in' button. I didn't have twitter myself. The only social media stuff I used were facebook, tumblr and vine. I only used facebook on a daily basis. Tumblr and vine, was only for when I was bored to death.

“We have to make an account where we pretend to be a super huge fan of him and the rest of the guys.” I raised my eyebrows at her as she tried to find a username which included 'magcon' or 'nash'.

“What? I might have stalked them a tiny bit.” She said shrugging. I chuckled. She finally managed to find one. @nashmagconislife.

“Okay, let's go all fangirl!” She said squealing. She actually seemed like she enjoyed this. I wasn't complaining, as long as she did all that kind of stuff.

“Now, if a fangirl posts a photo of Nash with a girl, then at least someone will believe it.” She started typing in how much she 'loved' Nash and the rest of the guys. She also mentioned the names of all the others just to make it seem more realistic. I was kinda impressed by how much she knew about them already.

Apparently, Diana has a bunch of followers on her personal twitter, and mentioned this fangirl account, of course without saying that it was hers. This account had now over 3 thousand followers. That only took her like two hours! She got power! She had also mentioned it on tumblr, however she did that. Don't judge me, I have no idea how this all works! All I knew was that Diana was popular on the internet.

She had also made a fangirl account on tumblr, which also had a whole lot of followers already. This was looking good. She obviously knew a whole lot about all this, and I was just sitting here, proud to actually know what a fangirl was.

“Let the fun begin.” She said smiling as she typed in another tweet. 'I heard a rumour that Nash was dating someone, is this true?'

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