Part 29

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After the event was finished at 8pm, we decided to just hang out in my hotel room, seeing that was the largest. I never thought the event was going to last that long, but since there were so many fans there today, they decided to make it longer. They were all pretty tired when we got up to my room, so they were no longer in their lovey dovey, crazy mood. I ordered pizza and sat down on the couch. Not long after, Cameron came and sat down next to me.

“Hi!” He said enthusiastic.

“Hi!” I said, joining in with the enthusiasm.

“So what do you think? We're quite famous right!” He said, making me chuckle.

“You sure are!” As I said that, he moved a bit further away from me, making it possible for him to put his head in my lap.

“I'm so tired.” His voice was soft. My hands found their way to his hair letting my fingers brush through it.

“Me too.” I said as a yawn forced itself out.

“You know (Y/N), you should come to Magcon more often!” Jack J said, in the middle of having an arm-wrestling with Taylor.

“Why?” I giggled.

“Well you are so sweet, and lovely, and smart, and pretty and all the fans love you.” He answered like it was nothing.

“The fans haven't even met me, and how would you know all that, you met me yesterday?” Cameron turned around so he could face me as the words left my mouth.

“Well we might have tweeted about you a few times, and we all know how you are as a person. Nash can't shut up about you and all of your tutor sessions.” My eyes widened as I looked at Nash. He just shrugged.

“You really are special (Y/N).” Cameron said, locking his eyes with mine.

“You guys are weird. I'm going to bed.” I said while laughing. I stood up from the couch and walked upstairs.

“Can we join you?” Jack G yelled.

“haha, no.” I changed, making sure none of them could see me.

“Okay so I'm going to sleep now, you guys just leave whenever you want. But you should know that I'm a light sleeper, and just opening a bottle can wake me up, so don't try anything.” They all laughed, and I heard some of them stand up and leave.

It was about 20 minutes since I went to bed and I was half asleep as I heard someone started talking. I was way to tired to even bother figuring out who it was.

“Do you think she's sleeping?” A voice said.

“Yeah probably.” Another one answered.

“You're lucky, you know that right?”


“Cause she likes you, a lot.” Before I had any chance to hear the rest of the conversation, I fell asleep.

I woke up by the sound of my phone ringing, again. I quickly stood up, expected the call to be from any of the guys telling me how late I was. I grabbed my phone only to see that it was 10am, and the call was from aunt Jess.

“Hi aunt Jess!” I said, lying back down on the bed.

“Hi honey! How are you? How are the guys? Is the tutoring going okay? Has he fallen for you yet?” I laughed at her last question.

“I'm fine, the guys are great, I forgot to tutor him yesterday so thank you for reminding me, and no.” It was quiet at the other end, and I knew she was trying to figure out what I had answered last.

“No, he hasn't fallen for me yet.” I said trying to laugh it off.

“Oh you just wait honey, he will.” I nodded, but soon remembered that there was no way that she could see me doing that.

“I sure hope so.”

“Oh before I forget! I talked to Elizabeth, and she said that since Nash really liked having you there to tutor him, she wanted you to join them on the next magcon as well.” My eyes widened. He liked having me here?

“Really?” I said, trying not to act very surprised, but failed miserably.

“Yeah, so at least we know he wants you there, and that is a step in the right direction, right?” She said chuckling.

“I mean, I guess.” I answered, still a bit shocked.

We said our goodbyes and hung up. Since I was already awake, I decided to get dressed and go watch the guys at sound-check. I had to be backstage during the events so I wouldn't be able to see or hear them perform. So sound-check was my only opportunity.

I put on a pair of black shorts and a blue top with a moustache on it. After fixing my hair and make up, I put on my converse and left.

As I got there, the guys weren't on stage yet, so I decided to just sit down in front of it, and wait. Not more than five minutes later, the Jacks walked up on stage. They didn't notice me at first, but as soon as they started singing, Jack J waved at me. I responded with a smile before focusing on my phone.

After Nash had been on stage, he made his way over to me, letting Shawn take the microphone.

“Why are you here now? You don't have to be here until one.” He said hitting me playfully in my arm.

“Aunt Jess woke me up, so I figured I could just come here and watch you guys.” He nodded, looking up at Shawn.

“So what did she say?”

“She just wanted to know how it was here, and how the tutoring was going. And by the way, we didn't study yesterday, so we have to today.” He started smiling. It was weird having a normal conversation with him. We didn't have that very often, but we should, it was nice.

“We can do it right after sound-check. We have about an hour.” I nodded, and he stood up, getting ready to walk up on stage with the rest of the guys.

“Looking forward to it.” He said smiling.

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