Part 31

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I stood at the door for a while before I even realized what had happened. Why did he kiss me? Just on the cheek of course, but still. Why?

I changed into my pjs and washed my make up off. Seeing that I wasn't tired, I started blasting music, and singing my heart out. Of course the music wasn't too loud, so I wouldn't awake anyone.

As I was in the middle of singing the chorus, there was a knock on the door. I turned down the music, and went to open it, not caring if anyone saw me and my 'natural beauty'. The person was able to knock one more time before I opened. Cameron was on the other side, with only his t-shirt and boxers.

“Um, hey?” I said as he let himself inside.

“(Y/N), what's going on between you and Nash?” This took me by surprise.

“Wha- nothing! Honestly!” I said as I looked at him, trying to figure out what he was thinking about.

“It doesn't seem like nothing to him.” My eyes widened.

“W-what do you mean?” Nash hadn't said anything about the thing happening earlier today, had he?

“The way he looks at you, how he smiles when your name is mentioned, how he is all shy and quiet when you are around.” I didn't say anything. I had no idea what I could say at this moment. What was Nash doing?

“Do you like him?”

“What! No!” The words came out way faster than I had meant for them to, making it sound more like a desperate denial.

“(Y/N), can I try something?” I slowly nodded as I gave him a confused look. He walked closer to me, placing his hands on my waist. In less than a second, his lips were on mine. I hadn't kissed a lot of guys, and didn't know how I was supposed to feel, but it felt strange and not right at all. I tried to relax and enjoy it, but I couldn't. All the times you hear people say that it feels like you're about to explode. You feel butterflies, fireworks and sparks. But I didn't. I pulled away. Cameron looked at me disappointed.

“I'm so sorry.” He said before turning around, embarrassed.

“Cameron, wait!” I said, regretting it right after the words had left my mouth. He quickly turned to look at me, with hope in his eyes.

“Look, I like you Cameron, but just as a friend.” His face dropped. “A good friend! And I don't want to waste that.” I quickly added. He gave me a weak smile, before walking closer to me, opening his arms for me to hug him. I gladly accept, and wrapped my arms around him, letting him embrace me.

“I'm sorry Cameron.” I whispered, not really sure what I could say.

“Don't be.” I could feel him smiling which made me feel ten times better.

“But don't deny it!” He said as he let go of me and walked to the door.

“Deny what?” I gave him a confused look, as he walked out.

“The fact that you like Nash!” He yelled, running down to his room.

Now I was even more shocked than what I was a few minutes ago. Did he like me? Was Cameron one of the guys left here when I went to bed yesterday? I slowly walked upstairs, turning the music off. I didn't feel like singing right now, but I didn't feel like sleeping either. I turned the TV on just to do something. The Ellen Show was on. And since I love Ellen, I ended up watching the whole show until it ended at around 1am, and slowly drifted away.

Everyone ready to go?” My mom says as she walks to the car.

Yes!” Both me and my sister answer.

New York isn't too far away, but a family trip is always nice no matter where it is. Dad starts the car, getting it warmed up before we take off (It is an old car). A song I have never heard before is playing on the radio, making us all try and sing along even though none of us know the words. We drive out from the driveway. Past one house. Past a second house. Past a third house, before making a left turn.

I love you.” Mom whispers before everything turns white, then black.

I woke up screaming. As I sat up I felt my heart beating super fast, my hands were sweaty, and my eyes filled with tears. I looked down at my phone only to find out that it was 4am. This dream had been haunting me since the accident and every time, I wake up like a complete mess. I knew that trying to sleep again was hopeless. I decided to go for a walk, knowing that it used to help.

It was cold in the hotel-hallway. Silence surrounded me as I made my way to the lobby. I was surprised when I saw the receptionist still working. As I was about to walk out the door, I felt a hand on my shoulder.

“What are you doing (Y/N)?”

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