Part 10

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I was dead serious while he looked at me. I wasn't quite sure what he wanted to talk about. It was either about how I treated him or how he treated me. And I didn't know what I wanted it to me.

“Wha- right now?” I asked with a hint of a shaky voice.

“Yes, right now.”

“What about this?” I said as I held his French book up in front of his face.

“Right now (Y/N), please?” Did he just kinda, sort of beg me? I sighed and turned so I was facing him. It was quiet for almost a minute. And you might not think that is a long time, but it was! And it was killing me.

“So, talk!” I said to him. I would have started if I knew what we were talking about, but this time he had to start.

“Why?” What the hell was that? Why? Really. That's what he had to ask me. Why?! Wow, way to start a conversation mister.

“Why.. what?” I gave him a confused look.

“Why did you treat me like shit the other day? And why did you almost tell everyone about 'this'?” Did he really not know why I treated him like that?

“You deserved it.” I simply said. His eyes widened.

“Deserved it? How the hell did I deserve it?”

“You have been treating me like shit for the past couple of years!” My voice was raising. How could he be that stupid, or ignorant or what ever he was?

“That was just us messing around! We never meant any harm by it! What you did was horrible to us!” He was now yelling at me. This made me so mad. I stood up for myself once, and now I'm the bad one. If I could just prove what they had done to me. I knew what I could do, but I suddenly felt really nervous. Only aunt Jess knew about this. I slowly pulled my sleeve up and showed him the scars. Fresh and old.

“No harm? Really? Does this look like no harm to you?! This is your fault. You have done this to me!! So don't you dare tell me that I'm the bad person her, cause I faced my fear once. Once!” My eyes were filled with tears and my voice was shaking. Nash did say anything. I pulled my sleeve back down, hiding my scars before Nash pulled it up again and took my arm in his. He studied them all, one by one. His fingers traced over all the scars. I gasped when he touched the new ones. His hand quickly moved away from the scars, but he never let go of my wrist. He looked at me before he brought my arm close to his face. I gave him a questioning look. His lips connected with my wrist.

“What are you doing?” I whispered through my tears.

“I am so so so sorry!” He said as he continued leaving soft kisses on my scars. He was extra careful with the newest ones. I felt a tear hitting my arm, but it wasn't mine. Was he crying?

“You don't have to do that.” I said pulling my hand slowly away.

“Yes I do! I'm such and idiot! Stupid jerk who can't treat women right!” He yelled at himself while pulling his hair. Just a minute ago he was yelling at me. I had never seen a boy cry before, so I was shocked and surprised.

It wasn't like a melt down or anything, it was just a few tears, but that counts, right?

“Why are you even tutoring me? Why would you hang out with someone who did that to you?” I laughed a bit at what he said. It did hurt, yes. And I hated being around him. But there was something that made me enjoy it as well. I don't know what, but I kinda liked being around him.

“You do know your mom pays me, right?”

“I fucking punched you! Why would you come here after that. It isn't worth it!”

I sighed a bit before sitting next to him, who was leaning on the bed.

“It kinda is. I don't have any money so I really need it.”
“What about you dad? Can't he pay for food and stuff?” I looked down at my feet.

“He is in a coma.” His eyes widened.

“What? I am so sorry!” He placed his hand on my knee, but quickly removed it when he noticed me staring at it.

“It's okay. I mean, he didn't die!” He gave me a sympathetic look.

“I am really sorry (Y/N).” He said as he placed his hand on my cheek, a tiny bit to hard.

“Ow!” I yelled before moving my head away from his hand. I didn't mean to do that, it was a reflex. I covered my mouth hoping he didn't notice. Even though it was kinda obvious that it hurt me.

“No.” He whispered. I just looked down at my feet again before I felt cold water splashing in my face.

“What the hell was that for?” I looked at him with an annoying expression on my face.

“How do you get your make-up off?”

“Um.. You rub it off or something..”

“Well rub it off then!” His voice raised.

“I'm not rubbing my make-up off! Why would I do that?” My voice was raising as well and we were soon back to yelling at each other again.

“You got a bruise, didn't you?” I chuckled trying to not make a big deal out of it.

“Yeah, half my face is blue.” I laughed

“You should go (Y/N). Right now.” He looked me dead in the eyes.

“Why?” What did I do now? What the hell was he doing?

“I don't want to hurt you.” A tear rolled down his face before facing the floor.

“You can't hurt me much more than this.” I sighed standing up and walked out of his room.

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