Part 34

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All eyes were on us as we looked at each other. Though I had taken my hands down and placed them lower on his chest, his hands never left my waist. People started clapping, whistling, cheering and some were booing. I pulled myself away from him, leaving some space between us. I knew that most of the crowd was cheering, but I couldn't help but to notice the few who were booing. I looked down at my feet, not wanting to make eye contact with anyone. Even though I didn't look up, I knew Nash was looking at me. After a few more seconds with cheering and booing, Nash cupped my face, forcing me to look at him. I gave him a forced, assured smile, making him look even more worried, which was not the plan at all. He grabbed my hand and pulled me through the crowd. As we got backstage, the booing and cheering had died out. Nash looked at me like I was about to break down.

“Are you okay?” I nodded, letting him know that I didn't care. Or tried not to care at least.

“Don't listen to them, th-” I stopped him before he was able to finish.

“You know I don't care! 'They just hate me cause they ain't me'” I said referring to what my mom had taught me when I was little. A smiled appeared on his face, before he pulled me into a hug.

“I know, I just don't want you to get hurt.” I hugged him tighter, letting him know that I appreciated him being there for me. As we stood there, a bright flash caught our attention. I looked up and saw Taylor standing there with his phone.

“Are you trying to ruin this relationship?” Nash asked with a hit of annoyance in his voice. I didn't really understand what he meant but I didn't mention it. Taylor's eyes widened and his mouth dropped.

“Re... relatio.. you're... you're in a... RELATIONSHIP??” Just as his words slipped from his mount, the rest of the guys walked in.

“You're in a relationship? No way!” Jack J smiled from ear to ear. I pulled away from Nash, shaking my head while giggling.

“We're not a couple.” I looked up at Nash waiting for his reaction. Expecting a disappointed look, but was surprised when he just grinned down at me.

“But, I am taking her on a date.” He said with the biggest, proudest smile I have ever seen. The room was filled with whistles and cheering, making a blush creep onto my face. I buried my face in Nash's chest, trying to hide my red face.

“Is (Y/N) blushing?” Jack G said with a grin on his face, making my face go from a cute pink colour to a dark devil red. After a few seconds of me trying to act natural, I looked up at the guys, only to find Cameron walking quickly out the door.

“What's up with him?” Nash asked, looking at the door. I shrugged as the rest of the boys became silent. Nash and I stood there staring at the others with our eyebrows pulled together. They all tried to avoid our eyes and looked anywhere but at us.

“Guys. What's going on?” He asked again, sounding more worried now. The guys looked down, not wanting to answer the question.

“HELLO!” I yelled, surprising them all. “Someone please tell me what the hell is going on!” I continued. The guys looked up in shock.

“Um... He...He likes you (Y/N)... A lot.” I felt Nash tense as the words came out of Shawn's mouth. I pulled myself out of Nash's grip before running after him.

I knew Nash wouldn't like that I ran after him, but it felt right. As I ran down the halls of the hotel, all possible thoughts were running through my mind. I couldn't help but worry about what might happen if we ended up not talking to each other again. Even though I didn't feel like he did, I still liked him as a friend. “(Y/N), you have only known him for a few days, he's going to forget me in no time.” I said to myself as I walked up to his hotel room. I hesitated before knocking on the door.

It took a while before the door open slightly. As I walked in, I saw him sitting on his bed, scrolling through his phone.

“You okay?” I asked as I sat down next to him. He nodded, continuing to scroll.

“Do you want to talk about it?” He didn't respond, but I could tell that he didn't want to. Instead of saying anything, I wrapped my arms around him, embracing him in a hug.

“I'm sorry.” He just shook his head, telling me that it wasn't my fault. I felt his heart beating faster than usual, making me pull slightly away, not wanting to feel guilty. Cameron gave me a confused and hurt look, but soon understood what it was.

“Listen (Y/N). I'm not going to do anything about this, so can we please just be friends?” I smiled bright before hugging him again. He wrapped one arm around me, pulling me a bit closer. It still felt a bit awkward sitting that close to him, knowing what he felt.

“Thank you Cameron.” I whispered into his ear. He looked at me, not knowing what I had meant.

“For what?” I just shook my head, hugging him even closer.

“Just thank you.” We sat in a hugging position for a few minutes, just embracing it all. He was so nice, and genuinely cared about everyone's feelings. He would never hurt anyone, specially not his fans. Never his fans. I saw the way he treated them; With so much respect and love.

Anyone would kill to have a person like him in their life. And I was lucky enough to have that.

All of a sudden it hit me; We were leaving in two days. I would probably never meet him again.  

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