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Please read the A/N at the end!!


I am not the one to explain everything I look at, or even think much about what I look at, but I've been really into painting these past years, which has really opened my eyes. If I was sitting where I am right now, a few years back, I would have seen just what it was. I would see the bench I was sitting on, my gorgeous boyfriend, a bunch of people I don't know, the trees and the lake. But as I am sitting in this park today, and not when I was 18, I see so much more. 

I see the little squirrels collecting nuts for the winter season, how the wind changes ever so often, the leaves that are starting to turn red and yellow, all the different dogs running around with no care in the world and a whole lot of families with different backstories. Some untold, and some that are always brought up at any form of gathering. And I see my boyfriend sitting next to me, with the most amazing and breathtaking eyes, the famous smile that can make world peace. And if this was a few years back, he probably would have been looking back at me. But not today. Today he is looking at another girl. 

I can't blame him though. She is gorgeous from head to toe. Not one single flaw. And her eyes. Her eyes could break many hearts and put them back together again. They got the same eye colour. No wonder he is looking at her instead of me. I too do glance at her from time to time. Oh, who am I kidding, I fully stare at her whenever I've got the chance. She might have his eyes, but her nose is definitely mine. And it is cute, if I may add. 

"Are you okay?" My boyfriend asked concerned. 

"Yeah, of course." I reassured him. 

"I know it's hard right now, but it gets better, I promise." I know he thought I was sad, and to be honest, I thought I would be. But I wasn't sad. I was a tiny bit relieved. Even though he turned into a completely different person when he woke up from coma, I was never able to fully forgive him. And most importantly, I was never able to trust him 100% again. I would always be scared when I walked through the front door. Because I could never know for sure if he was still the nice guy he was, or if he had changed back to his old self. And to me, it felt more like I had lost an acquaintance, and not a father. 

"It's the circle of life, right. You get one, you lose one." I looked down at the beautiful girl again. OUR beautiful girl. I felt a tear roll down my cheek as I smiled at baby Ava. So much had changed in the past few years. After magcon ended five years ago, I moved out, to live with the love of my life. And even though the guys were going in different directions, they would never miss an opportunity to meet each other. And it wasn't long until they got to meet their "niece" for the very first time. She was born one month and three weeks ago. Just a few days after my father past away. 

"Yeah, I guess you're right." I looked at my cute little family again. And I knew that whatever might lay ahead of us, we would get through it. Together. Because we made each other happy. They were my everything. Ava and Nash were my everything.


That's it! I still have the chapter in Nash' POV, so if you still want that, comment below what chapter I should use. 

Now as for the name of (Y/N). I was never going to change her name. (Y/N) will still be (Y/N). The reason why I needed the names was because as you might noticed, they got a baby girl! I wanted you guys to be a part of it, but not give away anything, and that was the only way to not spoil anything. 

Credit to @EleanorSweeney for picking the name! And thank you guys so much for voting! 

Please comment and vote!! And thank you so much for being a part of this! I love you all so much! 


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