Part 36

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He pulled a bit away, looking into my eyes, and I already knew how much I regretted it. Just a few inches away from me was a handsome, kind, sweet, lovely guy who wanted to kiss me. And here I was, a dumb, idiotic, loser of a girl who stopped him. I stopped my “prince charming of first grade” from kissing me. Normally you figure out if the date was a clear no, or a proud yes, at the end of the date. But here we were, probably not even close to the end, and we both new that it was a clear no. Well at least he did, I was still regretting ever thinking that.

You know what? To hell with it. To hell with everything he had done to me the past years. To hell with all the pain, and all the scars.

He was about to stand up, seeing that I had clearly “not wanted to kiss him”. The disappointment in his eyes were killing me, but I couldn't help but smile. And not because I made him sad or miserable or whatever he was feeling. But because fuck it. That's why.

I grabbed his shirt, and yanked him closer to me. A huge grin spread across his face before he leaned in and crashed our lips together. You know that kiss we shared outside of my hotel-room? Yeah, that was nothing compared to this. It was sweet yet passionate and it was like I had waited for this moment since the beginning of time.

My hands were cupping his face, our legs tangled together. His left hand grabbing my waist, like he never wanted to let go. It was magical. One part of me really wanted to push him off of me, but only because I didn't want him to feel my stupid heart which apparently had just run a marathon or something. But the other part of me, wanted to pull him even closer, even though that was impossible.

“I mean, I don't think I'll ever get used to it. Just the other day, a girl walked into the male's bathroom just to get a picture with me.” I laughed, leaning my head against his shoulder.

We were currently walking down the street on out way to the hotel, and he was telling me his Vine story. He told me how and why he started it, how quickly it all blew up, and how much he loved his fans. And by each word that left his mouth, I found myself slowly falling for him.

Our hands were intertwined as we walked through the hotel-door into the lobby. Seeing that it was so late, there were hardly anyone there except one lady who looked like she was about to pay for her room. Or complain. Yep, definitely complain. No one would yell at someone while paying for their room, would they? The lady, or girl now that I could see her face, turned her head in our direction.

“You!” The girl pointed at me, and let me tell you, she did not look happy. Nash gave my hand a reassuring squeeze, letting me know that he wasn't going to let her touch me. Or at least I hope that's what he meant.

I pulled my eyebrows together as she quickly approached us.

“You ruined my life!” Okay she was drunk, no ifs and buts about it. It was easy to tell by the way she walked, or shall I say wobbled toward us. My eyes widened in awe as she blurted out the words. Her eyes trailed down to me and Nash's hands linked together and I quickly let it go, realising what her “problem” was. She was a fan. A “dedicated” one as well. Her hands were tightened into fists and I knew that if she got the chance, she would hit me. Hard.

“What did she do?” Nash asked clearly not following. Both me and the “fan” looked at Nash like he had just said that carrots grew on trees. How did he not see what this was about? “She clearly likes you, Nash.” I said matter-of-fact. His eyes widened as his gaze met her.

“Well I like you (Y/N), but that doesn't make me want to punch every person you like.” He said like it was the most obvious this. I felt my heart skipping a beat and a blush creeping up to my face at his word. But no matter how flattering his words were, this was not the best time to tell the girl that he liked me. I carefully elbowed him in his ribs, telling him to knock it off.

“You guys are dating aren't you?” Her voice raised, and she was clearly not happy with what she saw. I shook my head, telling her no. And it was at least half true. Because to be honest, I didn't know what we were. Were we just friends? Dating? What? Nash didn't say anything, but since he didn't protest, the girl seemed like she was going to let it go. She turned around and walked as quickly as she could in those ten inch heels of hers.

We didn't take our eyes of her until she crashed into a guy, who she clearly found very attractive, judging by the change of expression on her face. It went from “I will kill anyone who gets in my way” to “Hi I'm lost, and I wouldn't mind if you followed me to my house, and maybe even further”. It was disgusting really. Nash chuckled as the guy tried as hard as he could to push her away, with no luck of course.

He grabbed my hand again and led me towards the elevator. We didn't say much, but I didn't mind, seeing that it wasn't an awkward silence. He wrapped and arm around my shoulder, pulling me close to him. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket, but I ignored it, not wanting to leave Nash's embrace.

“When we get back home, I'm taking you on our second date you know.” Nash stated as we reached the door. A chuckle escaped my mouth, and I couldn't help but smile. He gave me a quick peck on the lips, before walking to his room. I bit my lips, forcing myself not to smile like a creep.

I grabbed my phone as I closed the door behind me. I felt my eyelids getting heavier each time I blinked, and I couldn't wait to get some sleep. I unlocked my phone, the bright light blinding me. My whole body stiffened as I read each and every word of the message I had received.

Hell hasn't started yet, remember. - N

The tutor - Nash fanficWhere stories live. Discover now