Part 42

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So there is a lot of dialog in this chapter, but I mean... what can you do? But I hope you like it, and I am so sorry that you had to wait this long.


After me and Nash told Diana all she wanted to know about our relationship, she left. With a big smile on her face, I guess she was really happy for me. I thought she would be one of those girls who would ask about all the dirty details, but no. All she asked was how it started, who came onto who, if we had our first date yet, and so on. Not even about the kisses. And I am very thankful for that.

The day went by as normal. Well, as normal as it can get with all of the students glaring at you, trying to figure out how the hell it all happened. How did a girl like me get a guy like him? And more important, why would a girl like me date a guy that bullied her? And to be honest I have no clue, it just feels right. The way his hand fits perfectly in mine, how is chin and my neck becomes one when he hugs me from behind, the way he kisses my forehead. Everything. Everything felt right.

After school ended, Nash insisted on walking me home, saying something about how he couldn't take how all the guys stared at me. Although they weren't staring at me, but us, I still wanted him to walk me home. He took my hand and intertwined it with his own, giving me goose bumps. His hand felt warm, making me forget everything else in the world. Nothing mattered at this moment.

As we got home, I noticed dad's car was gone. Hopefully he was out looking for a job, and not hitting the bar again. I know he promised me that he would change, but it's like they say “actions speak louder than words”. He would have to prove it for me to believe it.

“So, I'll see you tomorrow?” I said smiling up at him. His hands were currently wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

“I guess so...” He sounded hesitant at first and if I didn't know him at all, I would think he didn't want to see me.

“Bye.” I kissed his cheek and grinned from ear to ear when I saw the frown on his face. I pulled away slowly, and saw him turning around in slow motion.

“I'm leaving now.” I nodded, still struggling to get the smile off of my face.

“Still walking.” He walked tiny steps at a time, taking longer than ever. I couldn't help put giggle at his cute and stupid action. Goofball.

He soon 'realized' that I wasn't planning on seeing him anytime sooner than tomorrow, causing him to get a disappointed look on his face. I laughed out loud before opening the door.

“Do you want to come inside?” I asked, still smiling like a crazy person. God what is he doing to me. He turned around faster than ever, and ran up to me.

“I thought you'd never ask.” He kissed my nose before walking inside.

“Oh c'mon! How to train your dragon 2 was a whole lot better than the first one!”

Me and Nash were sitting in the living room, currently discussing whether the original How to train your dragon was better than the sequel or not. I personally preferred the sequel, but Nash on the other hand strongly disagreed. He was sitting on one side of the couch, and I sat on the other, our legs tangled together.

“The original will always be the best one, and that's how it is with all movies.” Nash said matter-of-fact, with a proud smile on his lips, like he had just won our little argument. Ha ha ha, not today mister.

“You told me like a week ago that Monster University was way better than Monster Inc...”

“That is totally different! Monsters and dragons are so not the same.” He sat up, ready for a 'fight'. Not a real one of course, but one of those “I like eggs better than bacon” fights. Although bacon always wins, but that's not the point.

“But we are discussing sequels, not imaginary creatures. You liked the sequel better than the first one, admit it.” I tried as hard as I could not to laugh, but Nash's face right now was making it really hard. He pouted his lips and his eyebrows were pulled together. He looked like a little boy that wouldn't get an ice cream from his parents.

“Fine, but that was one time! The originals are always better, except this one.” He said crossing his arms over his chest.

“You are such a loser.” A giggle escaped my mouth as Nash's eyes widened.

“Say that again.” He moved closer to me, cornering me with his hands on each side of my body. I could feel his minty breath on my lips as he leaned on my forehead.

“You're a loser.” I smiled, trying to hide the fact that my heart was beating a million times per second at the moment. Damn these hormones. One side of his lip turned up into a small smile, as he looked into my eyes.

“You're the one who's stuck with me.” I laughed, but soon quiet down as I got lost in his eyes. His beautiful ocean blue eyes. I placed my hands in his hair, pulling him closer. If I just looked up at him now, our lips would meet.

“And thank god for that.” Right after the words escaped my mouth, his lips collided with mine. 


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