Chapter 21: New Day, New Kylie

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Baekhyun's POV

(After 4 months)

December 15, 2016.

4 months had passed, still, I remember the day Kylie left us and it feels like forever.

Things have changed so much since the day she left.

Time flies so fast, even her birthday had passed. It was on November 13th. She's in a legal age now, She turned 18.

I wonder how is she now? I want to know if she had changed.

I want to know if the Kylie I know is still same as before.

Nobody knows what those Matokies could do to her. They would brainwash her if they could.

I hope she is okay and she still doesn't change anything about herself.

Because I still want the old Kylie back...

Anyway, I am reading a book in the library right now because I have an assignment for my science subject. I was so busy counting the days that passed since Kylie left that I forgot about my studies. Thank god, I am doing well now.

"Hey, buddy." Shailee emerged beside me and said that to me in a low voice almost like whispering so she cannot disturb other people inside the library.

Shailee and I broke up two months ago because we both realized that we are better off as friends. We are starting a new chapter of our lives now. And I hope it will be a good one.

"Finishing your homework, huh?" Shailee said.

"Yeah, I really need to pass it today, I didn't have time to finish it, so I am doing it now." I said and let out a soft chuckle.

"I guess I'll see you later at lunch." Shailee said and she smiled.

"Okay, see you later." I replied and smiled back.

"Goodluck on that homework." She said and after that, she left the library.

As I was reading the book, I noticed a note written on the side of the page.

"Hi Baekhyun! It's me, Kylie, I wish you all the best luck for the exams, hope I could teach you again sometime. I am so proud of you. Keep studying, love. I want you to have a good future so study well, okay? I love you, B."

I read all of it and saw a date on the note.

She wrote the note on the day she was tutoring me before the first examination.

This note was written a few months ago. When she was still here with us.

So she left the note here, without me noticing that time. I can still remember that day.

'Oh, Kylie, I wish you would come back. I miss you so much.'

I let out a sigh as I looked at the note. Damn, I miss her really bad.

I decided to slit the note from the book and put it in my wallet.

In that way, I could always see the note and have an inspiration to keep going.

I close the book and put it back on the shelf where it belongs and took my things from the table.

Since I am done reading the book and doing my homework, I left the library.

I was walking my way back to the classroom when I saw many people gathering around the hallway near the bulletin board. I guess they are waiting for the announcement regarding the Christmas ball to be posted on the bulletin board.

Kingkas Vs. Matos (Feat. EXO) [ONGOING]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ